From The Stars:
By Antonio Mark McCoy Sr. © Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, Antonio Mark McCoy Sr.




Book Excerpts:
Aliens laid-down the necessary Cells and Bacteria to create all of this planets Plant Life and Animal Life. And it did not happen by accident. !No. But before that something very important had to be done. Long before they necessary Bacteria was placed here.......................
Evolution is a most complexed order indeed. Taking a very long time to accomplish it self. But it is a process that is never done of course. As new geological changes, climates, and situations, seem to dictate to all of the Animal Species time and time again. Causing them to change in size, shape, and color all together.............................................
Any ways. We do know that all Mammals evolved from Reptiles. As we ourselves are living proof of that. With our Reptilian Brain, our Fight or Flight nature, and our Scales (our Finger and Toe Nails)...................................
I disagree with them on the Pakicetus and Ambulocetus link. But I highly agree with them on the Odontoceti to Mysticeti lack of molecular similarities. An alleged scientific closer examination of Pakicetus and Ambulocetus reveals that these two creatures had little in common with modern Whales. And thus do not represent the ancient ancestors of Whales.........................................
Acting just like a "Microphone", the Plants Leaves are. Taking in vocal responses or Physical Sound Energy. Or also as a "Radio Receiving Arial". Taking in Electromagnetic Waves. Then taking that Energy to modulate, or demodulate it, as the Plants Stem and Roots acts as a "Resonant Circuit" of a sort.............................................
Talking about Sci Fi. Many of the Microbes in Micro Biology look just like Creatures from an entirely different world. !And they are. But their world is actually the original, or first world. The one that gave-rise to all Lifeforms........................................
Now here above is my diagram of a Virus. A "Thing" I call it. Now you just look at the design of this Thing. Then tell me how it could not have been designed by someone? The Thing is almost robotic in nature. So since it is not Plant nor Animal, then what exactly is it? It must be a Machine then?........................
Now Bodes Law is correct by saying how there is a certain spacing between the Planets. And I know it's the Sun that has established such a spacing between Planets. But the AU Rating or Scale is all wrong though. Simply because the math is all wrong............................................
!Yes our Sun or Sol was once a Star in the Sirius Solar System. Until it excaped. And our Sol Solar System and the Sirius Solar System is forever connected through Gravitational Foeces. And the Binary Star or Solar System Sirius is responsible for the perturbations within our Solar System. Including the dislodging of the Celestial Debris from the various Celestial Debris Fields around it. Namely the Oort Cloud and the Kelper Belt. Because electromagnetic stellar arcing that oscillates from the Weak Magnetic Amplitude Force (which is our Solar System).........................
Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, Antonio Mark McCoy Sr.



Book Excerpts:
These 2 Dimension which were the 2 Stepping-Stones to the 3rd Dimension. The 3rd Dimension that has 3 Universes. Because a Universe "IS NOT" a Dimension. Because a Universe is a Vast Area of a Space-Time Dimension. In our case, within the 3rd Dimension. The 3rd Dimension where "MASS" exists. Because Mass "COULD NOT" exist in the 1st and the 2nd Dimensions. Because there was not enough Gravitational Density to form Mass there. As per my Diagrams here below...........................................................
The 1st Dimension was the first beginning of the Creation Energy of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Which is Scalar Energy in nature. From there it became the Mental Energy. As it them became Hertzian Energy then. Then Astral Energy from there. Where Mass Particles had formed finally. I had explained the Universal Formation of Mass many years ago in 2001, as per my Copyrighted Diagrams above. "MASS" which is the Atomic Particles. That of which forms all "MATTER". Once that was done Lucifer was thrown into it, along with "It's" Fallen Angels.............................................
Lucifer or Tiamat. The Nephilim. "He", "She", or "It" (because Lucifer was a Shape-Shifting God, like most all High Gods are or were) who was the very first Being to enter into the Realm of New Space-Time Reality. Along with It's Fallen Nephilim's, as the Bible spoke of............................
Who exactly are the Nephilim? Some researchers think they are the same as the "Elohim" and the "Annunaki". !They are wrong. Let me explain why. The "Elohim (or Eloheem)" are the "Elder Gods". Those of who are mostly Sirian in origin....................................
The Reptilian's (especially the Draconian's) enjoy eating Human Flesh and the Human Children the best. And for two reasons. The first is that Human Children do not have the accumulation of pollutants in their bodies that Human Adults do..................................
The Draconian's are known to have mutilated Cattle. Ripping-out Cattle Hearts. Now just imagine what they could do to a Human Being? It's not funny people. Well at least it won't be funny once one gets after you. I'll bet when it happens you won't be laughing. But then again, you won't even have time to even scream.................................................
All over the planet, you will discover ancient legends and accounts of "Reptilian Gods (Draconian's and Nephilim's)" from another world, who interbred with Humanity to create a Hybrid Reptilian-Mammalian Race/s............................................
The Reptilian Symbolism you see all around the world. Are Gargoyle Statues and Relief's. Then in Coats of Arms. Dragon's, Griffins, Eagles, Phoenix Birds, Snakes, Goats, and other Reptiles. They have always taken part in Human sacrifice ceremonies as well. Blood drinking, flesh-eating, etc... To sacrifices to their Higher Draconian Gods. Just as the Ancient Aztecs did for Quetzalcoatl. Their Draconian Gods who on occasion, joined-in the ceremonies along with them...........................................
Why did the Draconian Reptilians create the Primate Mammalian Race? They created who knows how many Reptilian Races, but why a Mammalian Race as well? Maybe because they.....................................................
The Draconian's had created Homo Erectus. Then Homo Erectus was stolen-away from the Draconian's. Then evolved into a Much Greater Being. One that can now even challenged the Draconian's themselves. And for that the Draconian's hate us as Humankind now. Because they see us now as their creation that was stolen-away from them. And now the Most Vile Draconian's are doing all they can to destroy us. Using their many Pawns on Earth, as well as in Space. On Earth, their Illuminati Pawns.............................................

I realized exactly how the New World Order Satanist plan to frame many Black, Brown, and other Minority Peoples here in America during the Black Holocaust................................................
And "that" is the controlling interest that the Illuminati wish to grasp. So that "they", the Illumnati can deter the Anunnaki Gods from the future rulership of the Planet Earth. Because the White Illuminati. Who are the Chief Motivators of this, the coming "New World Order". Want rulership of the Planet Earth for themselves. For this Evil Master "SATAN"................................
So this is their reason for planning the Black Holocaust. A Holocaust which will happen........................................
I know of all of this. Because "JESUS" himself has channeled such information down to me. Via someone he is channeling this information through first...............................................
Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, Antonio Mark McCoy Sr.

This is an 8.5" x 11" Paperback Book, with 85 Pages & 58 Images, for only $10.95 . This is not your average Little Paper-Back Book. It's loaded with Images of a Most Revealing Nature. With 81,157 Words, & 487,449 Characters. All within an 8.5" x 11" x 1/4" Thick, Full-Book Format. Loaded with information & typed in  10, & 12 Point Fonts. Set in 50 L, 50 R, 30 T, & 30 B Margins.

Book Excerpts:
It was founded by the Lyran's and the Aryan Extraterrestrial's. The land was also called; "White Island", because it use to be one piece of land. It was the entire region of the North Pole, that bordered; Siberia, Alaska, Northern Britain (Scotland), Northern Ireland, Northern Canada, Scandinavia, and the most Northern part of Europe. Greenland and Iceland were actually part of Ancient Hyperborea then. It was from Hyperborea that the Aryan's attempted to conquest the entire Earth through war.............................

So somewhere along the line Lemurian Genes were mixed with Homo Sapient Genes, to produce the "First Adam". As I had said in my first E-Book; "Adam was merely the title given an entire line of a "New" Homo Sapient Sapient Species. As they existed as A-sexual Beings. So Adam was the first Homo Sapient Sapient, but he was an A-sexual Being then...........................

The remnant of the Lyran's who fled, had colonized other planets after, and helped form an alliance against the constant Reptilian attacks, along with their Lyran Vegan Cousins. Who are Black Extraterrestrial's. They called this alliance the "Galactic Federation". As it had originally comprised of 110 different Colonies. The Colonies belonging to the Federation wished to maintain their new identities, and no longer associate with the old Lyran ways then. And together, the Federation Colonists managed to repel the Reptilian attacks..................

Unfortunately for Atlantis non-peaceful groups of Lyran's, such as the Aryan's infiltrated the civilization. This resulted in internal wars, which ultimately destroyed the civilization....................

After they fled Atlantis, the Toltec's emerged as a Militaristic Nomadic People later in Peru. As the Toltec's were a Militaristic Peoples, and were feared while they were in Atlantis. As their peoples made very good Atlantean Soldiers.......................

The Original Mayan's were of the Black Olmec Race from Atlantis. And are not from the Toltec's from Atlantis. While ruling over Atlantis, Ancient Legends state how the Toltec's had developed psychic and paranormal abilities. As well as, having Jet Propulsion Crafts. Just like other Atlantean Races had done before them.............................

Here now is a Underwater Map of the area which is called the Mid Atlantic Ridge. As you can see how it is indeed sloped and ridged for much of the Atlantic Ocean. As Sonar was used to acquire such impressions of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, by the U.S. Navy. As they have indeed found many remnants of Atlantis as well...

It was ushered-in by Vegan, Arcturan, and Aryan??? Extraterrestrials. Namely "Lord Rama". An Alien God. Lord Rama was possibly part Vegan, Arcturan, and possibly "Aryan" Extraterrestrial. Simply because there were Hindu-type Aryans...............

The God's were also said to have cloned the "Shaggies", which were also  known as the "Enkiduites". They are the "Big Foots" to us. After the failure of the previous Lulu Amelu and Shaggy Beings they spliced their own Genes to give rise to the "Adamites". !Us...............

The Giants were said to have been brutal and sometimes carnivorous to other human kinds. They were also said to have struck fear amongst other peoples around the world. Even up until the times of the European Conquest of North America........................

Our skin color changes by Light Energy as well. Using the chemical Melatonin and Metalin to do so. But theirs is so much more complexed. Using Light Energy in an entirely different way. This Light then transmits instructions to the Pituitary Gland, which in turn controls the Bodies Endocrine System...................

!Yes there are White Peoples who are not of the Adamic Race of Peoples. Of course the largest percentile of White Peoples upon the Earth are of the Adamic Race, and share the common Mitrocondra D.N.A. Which was taken from a Black African Woman, or Eve. But there are those of the Alien White variety who are not of the Adamic Race. Of course because they came to Earth long before Adam rose......................

The ANDROMEDIAN Alien's, are said to have bases on the Moon. Which are 9 Huge Domed Cities on the Far/Dark Side, it's said. And these domes housed up to 5 million of these Extraterrestrials at one time. As they are also said to have an Armada of Crafts that are orbiting our Earth at this time. They are also said to be the ones who's creating the "CROP CIRCLES" upon our planet..............................

There are other Sirian Alien Races. Like the "Sasquatch's". But they are not as nearly advanced as them others above. And you guessed it. The Sasquatch's are the same as the Earthly Big Foot Creatures. And were possibly brought to, or were created here on Planet Earth....................... 

Their many Genetic Programs is what was said to have started the Lyran Wars so many millions of years ago. As the Red Headed Lyrans protested their genetic mixing with others. Especially with the Brown and Red Skinned Vegan's. A genetic mix which created the Brown Skinned Lyran's. So the Racist Lyran's left the Star System. Thus becoming the Racist Aryan's (or also called the Red Headed Lyran's).....................

!Yes. Some of us will. Which will be Homo Sapient Sapient Sapien's then. Beings that will have Three Strands of D.N.A. vibrating, instead of just two............................
© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Antonio Mark McCoy Sr.

First "Space" is only the First and the Second Dimensions. It's the First and the Second Dimensional Energy Waves only, which are Energy Lines and Energy Waves that are all connected by a single source. That single source is the same source that has created the Universes themselves. It created all five realities of the Third Dimensional Universes. I call that source the "Zero Point". It's the point where every Third Dimensional Universe began. A place where only "Space" can exist. From that point onwards the energy divided into five separate directions. Forming the consistent Pentagram Shape, which seems to be a Universal Constant. Leading to the center of each different Third Dimensional Reality Universe. The very centers of those Universes.

But that's not just it though! That same Zero Point is also the point where every Fourth Dimensional Reality Universe originated from as well. And so on, all the way up to the Twelfth Dimension from there. Each Dimension getting smaller as it progresses towards a common center though. That center is the end of the line for all Space-time. In this complex model of intermingling Pentagramal Shapes. All of which has their origin from a single point I have called the "Zero Point". The point where God has created all of Space-Time. From a place called Heaven. A place that we cannot comprehend, and should not try to comprehend either.

Second. "Time" is the Third Dimension and beyond. Where "Mass" exists. Because Time is merely the period that "Gravity" has exerted upon "Mass". Which ages it. Causing it to eventually die and/or to erode-away. Thus giving us the definition of "Time". So Time is the effect or effects of Gravity, and there's more Gravity at the center of each Universal Reality or Dimension. So objects closer at the center of the Universe tend to age quicker than objects at the borders of the Universe. The center of the Universes are where it all naturally began. Where the Universal "Big Bang" started their Universal processes of expansion. So if an object or person was to travel towards the Center of a Universe they would age more rapidly, as they got closer to the center.

Third Objects of "Mass" can exist in "Time-less Space". !Yes Time-less Space do exist. It's of course is the First and the Second Dimensions I have been talking about for all of these years. If a person or an object was to travel towards it, they would age slower. Then once they got to the point where no "Gravity" existed (out of the Time Dimension), they would not age at all. Becoming Immortal. Because no Gravity equals Immortality. Objects of Mass can exist in "Gravity-less Space", because those objects Mass exist because of Electron interactions within them. Not because of Gravity. So as long as those Electron interactions continued the Mass will continue to exist."

So now let me further my theory; "I know for a fact that Parallel Third Dimensions exist now. Because I have experiences multiple dreams of being within the body of my Third Dimensional Alternate-Self. In another Third Dimensional Reality. I now know for sure also that five of such realities exist. Because the Pentagon Shape is the basic shape of the Cosmos. It is the basic model according to the way Energy behaves throughout all of the Universes. All things are created by this Pentagon-type shape of Energy. A shape which also intermingles with the Pentagram. Both of which fit perfectly within Spheres.

Now what else I have found out is that the very creation of the Universes are based on that Pentagon shape of energy. Beginning with the Zero Point, then moving it's way down to the center of each of the five Universes within our Third Dimensional Realities. Those points are exactly where every one of those Universes began. Where their "Big Bang" cosmic explosion happened. Each Universe experienced this at the exact same time, because the energy from the Zero Point reached them at exactly the same time. It didn't just happen for our Third Dimensional Reality, it happened at the exact same time for the 4th through the 12th Dimensional Realities as well.

!You see. Only the hand of God could have orchestrated such an incredible event. I found this out because it was he who placed this within my mind. I was looking to explain Time Travel, and that's when I discovered this. More than I had hoped to discover. With this new information I now know that Time Travel is possible. I knew it was before, but I just couldn't theorize it. I knew it because of the mental phoneme called "Deja Vu". Deja Vu is a fact, not a myth. I on occasion have experience it many times. It is where you have traveled to the future to visit a time you will be at. This is because "OUR FUTURE HAS ALREADY HAPPENED".

!Yes you heard right. Our future has already happened, and we (in this Third Dimensional Reality) are just living in the past-time frequency of time. Because as I said before, there are many copies of ourselves. Five in each Frequency Dimension or Universal Reality. Then five more in each of the higher Dimensions. So on until the Twelfth Dimension. All of those copies of our Energy exist in different states of course. In this Third Dimensional Reality we exist in the state of Mass. In the Fourth Dimensional Reality we exist in the state on a Denser Mass, and so on until we exist more as a less-Mass/more-Energy type of Being in the Twelfth Dimension. The Mass densities increase as they progress towards the Twelfth Dimension. The Mass changes more into the energy it came from originally.

So we have a "Higher-self" in the higher Dimensions. Which are the Future-Time. So they (ourselves ) in the Higher Dimensions can travel back to our Third Dimension and kill us here. Ending our existence in our own Third Dimensional Reality. But their actions would not effect them (ourselves) in their Higher Dimension, because we already exist there. Traveling from one Dimension to another is very possible, because those Dimensions are separated by energy frequencies. It is all possible for one to travel to a Higher Dimension but this type of knowledge and power is reserved to only the Higher Beings or God's.

They are the ones who are traveling throughout the Dimensions to visit and warn us of what's to come in our own Dimension. This is the very reason why the Holy Bible was written also. To warn us of the coming disasters in our Third Dimensional Reality. Time travel within our own Third Dimensional Realities is possible too. But once again that knowledge is reserved to only a few. But such Time Travelers cannot simply go back into time and kill someone, just so they themselves cannot exist in the future. It is like I said earlier; "OUR FUTURE HAS ALREADY HAPPENED". Meaning we already exist in the future and were just in the Past-time Reality now. And this is why Deja Vu is what it is.

So this all means that our lives have already been planned-out already. Meaning that were only following a set plan of behavior and consciousness. Meaning that God already knows our outcome. Something he planned long ago. He's just replaying our lives again. So this means that we have lived these lives already. But of course we don't remember it. It also means that we lived our lives from the Third Dimension, all the way up to the progression that is the Twelfth Dimension. Then from there we went into Heaven. Even the Devil did. Remember that the Devil use to reside in Heaven as well. Then God kicked him and others rebellious to God's rule, out of Heaven. Knocking them back down into the Space-Time Realities. To start all over again as their punishment.

Now it sounds all like a big game to God. Because he not only sent the Devil and his rebellious followers out of Heaven. He pretty much cleaned-house there. Making everyone there, except the really righteous ones, restart also in a Lower Dimensions. Then he went one step farther. He allowed some of the really righteous Spirits in Heaven to descend into the bodies of peoples in the Lower Dimensions. This is exactly what Jesus did on Earth here. Because he wanted to experience the Third Dimensional Reality as a Flesh Being. Others did the same before and after he did.

Some Holy Spirits from Heaven return multiple times. Living lives in host then dying and returning to Heaven. Only to volunteer to return to the Lower Dimensions again and again. Proving to God their worth to him. I believe I have the Holy Spirit of such a Heavenly Being. This can be the only reason why I know and learn the prophetic and scientific things that I do. My knowledge is far beyond the knowledge of the world. So much so that the Devil himself has been paying very special attention to me. I have been even harassed by Hidden Alien Beings. There hiding under cloak, then appearing in blurs within my home. With this new information "I HAVE FIGURED OUT" the Devil knows that I now know just as much as he does about the Cosmos now.

So to him I am one who has gotten away from his negative consciousness. Away from his lies and deceit. He knows that I know of God's plan to make most of those Being that were in Heaven to reprove themselves. Just because of what the Devil had done whilst he was in Heaven. He knows that I have now figured out the Space-time Game. How it's just a test area, and it is just that. An area created by God to test our faith. Long ago I gave a definition of the meaning of life. Like I said then, I say the same now; "Life is just a test for us, administered by God. So that we can prove, or re-prove our worth. In order to gain access, or re-access in Heaven."

With all this control God has over us and his Cosmos, what do "we" actually control? The answer to that is we control our own behavior. A behavior that warrants where exactly we will go. To Heaven or to Hell? It's of our choosing. So I conclude this file by saying; "There's the answer to Space-time travel. I'm sure it won't be the one everyone wants to hear, because they will want only a scientific answer. Not a religious one. Well I say this last thing to all of those peoples who think that way. "Science and Religion are two of the same". Science is only explaining what God has already said and done".

Because the Zero Point is the origin of all Space-time. Our Third Dimensional Realities or Universes are the results of "Immense Gravity Waves" that originated from the centers of those Universes. Which all originally from that Zero Point. As each Wave passed by Mass a particular Time or age had passed by that Mass. Of course the first Waves are much much older than the following ones. And it takes those Gravity Waves about 372,342.836 miles per second to travel, because Gravity Waves travel at least twice as fast as Light Waves (which are 186,171.418 miles per second) do. !You see. That's the secret to Time travel within our Third Dimensional Reality. Because if we could return to those previous Gravity Waves by out-traveling the present or oncoming Gravity Wave, we could return to those previous times. Or by warping to the previous Gravity Waves.

But Time travel to the past would be limited though. And so we could only travel to the immediate past. Because the Gravity Waves will eventually dissipate away forever into Time-less "Space". Not allowing us to return to that "Time" ever again. So one traveling to a Time when their grandfather was their age is possible. But one traveling to a "Time" when the Universe begun is not. Because to much "Time" has passed, and those Gravity Waves have long but since dissipated away. In addition to that when you traveled back to yesterday, or a couple of hundred years before that. You would be only visiting "Time" that has already been accomplished or passed by. So if you had killed your ancestors there, you would only be returned to your present "Time" before you went there to kill your own ancestors there. You would still exist in the "Time" you came from. Because you already existed in the future, before you went back into Time. So the so-called Time Paradox is not a paradox at all.

And as I said previously, "Time" is caused by "Gravity". Now it takes Gravity about 3,500,000,000 light years to travel from the Center of the Universe to the boundaries of it. But that's incorrect as I said earlier, because that speed will be greatly increased as the Gravity moves away from the Center of the Universe or Time Dimension. So the Light and Energy Waves would actually accelerate faster in the same environment also. Actually faster than that. Taking about 1,237,373,733 light years to reach the boundaries of the Universe. Gravity Waves would take half that time. Which would be about 618,686,866.5 .

But Gravity is a very tricky force. "It has no set speed". It accelerates at times. Like in the emptiness of the Universe and Galaxies. Going 372,342.836 per second and even faster away from the Universal Center of Gravity. Yet it is much slower around and within the Atmospheres of Planets. Slower even than Light Waves. And these are the forces that the Cosmos is made of. All made by Our God.

The Creation of Space-Time. And the Fallen One:
Space-Time was a creation of the Other Higher Gods. A place to "THROW" Lucifer the "Fallen One" or the" Fallen Angel" into from Heaven. Heaven which is "NOT" of Space-Time. Neither is it of the Atomic Process where Mass exists. Mass which exists through Energy. !Atomic Energy. Such Energy was a creation of the Gods who threw-out Lucifer from Heaven.

As he was kicked to a Lesser State of Existence then. But before they did they created the 1st and the 2nd Dimensions. They of which were "Energy Dimensions" only. These 2 Dimension which were the 2 Stepping-Stones to the 3rd Dimension. The 3rd Dimension that has 3 Universes. Because a Universe "IS NOT" a Dimension. Because a Universe is a Vast Area of a Space-Time Dimension. In our case, within the 3rd Dimension. The 3rd Dimension where "MASS" exists. Because Mass "COULD NOT" exist in the 1st and the 2nd Dimensions. Because there was not enough Gravitational Density to form Mass there.

The 1st Dimension was the first beginning of the Creation Energy of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Which is Scalar Energy in nature. From there it became the Mental Energy. As it them became Hertzian Energy then. Then Astral Energy from there. Where Mass Particles had formed finally. I had explained the Universal Formation of Mass many years ago in 2001, as per my Copyrighted Diagrams above. "MASS" which is the Atomic Particles. That of which forms all "MATTER". Once that was done Lucifer was thrown into it, along with "It's" Fallen Angels. Onto the First Ever Star-Planet which was named, "Lucifer" or "Tiwawat". It which was an Solar-Astral Planet at first, back then nearly 66,000,000,000 years ago. It which was partically destroyed around 24,000,000,000 years ago. It becoming the Solid Planet Tiamat then.


A Stars luminosity will determine how large the eyes of the Creatures on your planet will be. Since our Sun/Star is a Medium Yellow Star, we seem to have Medium-sized Eyes. Compared to some of our Extraterrestrial Cousins. Like the Sirian's and the Arcturian's, who are known for having very large eyes. Information that is taken from Extraterrestrial Data Bases. A Stars size seem to dictate to it's luminosity. But here's a hint; The less density a Star has, the more luminosity it has. Simply because less gravity within the Stars Core is pulling it's Photons back. So the less density a Star has, the larger it will expand outwards. Super Red Giant Stars like Betelgeuse are very luminous.

So Stars like the super dense Neutron Stars are faint to semi-faint in luminosity. Stars like Sirius B are very dense and faint. Basically Neutron Stars, White Dwarf Stars, Red Dwarf Stars, Brown Dwarf Stars, and Black Dwarf Stars, have less luminosity. Our Star is in the middle. While Stars which are older than our Star, like Sirius A and Vega, are brighter. Giving the Sirian and Vegan Extraterrestrials very large eyes. Just like it has been reported throughout our recorded history. Arcturian's are also known for having very large, but slanted eyes like the Vegan's have also. Maybe because the Star Acturus is a Red Giant Star, instead of a Medium Blue Star like Sirius A and Vega is? The Blue Stars are both brighter and hotter. So next I will explain Star surface temperature.

White-Blue Stars like Sirius A and Vega are very very hot. The size of a Star has nothing to do with how much surface heat it puts off. Super Red Giant Stars like Betelgeuse are cooler than our Sun. Our Sun is very cool compared to Sirius A and Vega. Blue Stars are hot, whilst Red Stars are cool. So Sirian and Vegan Extraterrestrials will have very dark skin because of it. Just like it has been reported in Extraterrestrial Data Bases. In fact some Sirian's are so dark skinned that they are so-called "Blue-Black". So the reports of the Sirian's being so-called fair-skinned Extraterrestrial's is simply a damn lie. So the Aryan's and the Peliadian's are naturally from Stars that have much less surface temperature than Sirius A and Vega. And so they have lighter skin.

Fair-skinned Extraterrestrials would originate from Planets that orbit the Cooler Red, Brown, White, and Black Stars. But some White Stars like Procyon are actually hotter than our Sun. Our Sun is one that gives-off enough surface temperature (which is about 6,000 degrees) to allow us to have Dark Complexion and Light Complexion Beings. Not just peoples, but animals as well. So the Stars dictate to who we are. And we on Planet Earth are very unique indeed. Simply because we have all of our Alien Ancestors complexions as well. Giving us all of our so-called Races upon this complexed Earth.

Blue Stars
The O&B-Type Stars 
White Stars
The A Stars
Yellow Stars
The G Stars
Orange Stars
The K Stars
Red Stars
The M Stars
at 30,000 degrees
at 10,000 degrees
at 6,000 degrees
at 4,000 degrees
at 3,000 degrees
O Stars: Blue Stars 30,000 - 60,000 Prominent Ionized Helium, weak Hydrogen
B or A/B Stars: Blue/White Stars 10,000 - 30,000 Neutral Helium, moderate Hydrogen
A Stars: White Stars 7,500 - 10,000 Strong Hydrogen, Ionized Metals
F Stars: Yellow/White Stars 6,000 - 7,500  Weaker Hydrogen, Ionized Metals
G Stars: Yellow Stars 5,000 - 6,000  Even weaker Hydrogen, Ionized Metals
K Stars: Yellow/Orange Stars 3,500 - 5,000  Extremely weak Hydrogen, Neutral Metals
M Stars: Red Stars 2,300 - 3,500  Only trace Hydrogen, Neutral Metals
L Stars: Red/Brown Stars 2,300 - 700°C Only Metal Hydrides and Alkali Metals
T Stars: Brown Stars
Complex Molecules, Strong Methane

Gas Giant Planets ?

The Brown Stars are mainly Brown Dwarf Stars. Which are merely as large as Planet Jupiter. Like our Solar Systems small Brown Star "Nemesis" is. Many scientist believe that Planet Jupiter, as well as other Gas Giant Planets, use to be Brown Dwarf Stars. Stars that formed into Planetary Bodies later. One cannot excuse the fact that these small Brown Dwarf Stars are very similar in size. They are a complete mystery indeed. All the Brown Stars are dwarfs. But they do contain some Complex Molecules and Strong Methane. The stuff Planets are made of. There are Yellow and Orange Giants as well. Which are mostly Yellow-Orange Stars, like in my chart above. Simply because Stars are classified in two Sizes. Dwarfs and Giants. And our Star (Sun) is actually a Dwarf in size.

Next I will explain Star luminosity. Basically how much Light or Photons a Star can put out. Or how far it can send it. A Stars size seem to dictate to it's luminosity. But here's a hint; The less density a Star has, the more luminosity it has. Simply because less gravity within the Stars Core is pulling it's Photons back. So the less density a Star has, the larger it will expand outwards. Super Red Giant Stars like Betelgeuse are very luminous. So Stars like the super dense Neutron Stars are faint to semi-faint in luminosity. Stars like Sirius B are very dense and faint. Basically Neutron Stars, White Dwarf Stars, Red Dwarf Stars, Brown Dwarf Stars, and Black Dwarf Stars, have less luminosity. Our Star is in the middle. While Stars which are older than our Star, like Sirius A and Vega, are brighter. So next I will explain Star surface temperature. Blue Stars like Sirius A and Vega are very very hot. The size of a Star has nothing to do with how much surface heat it puts off. Super Red Giant Stars like Betelgeuse are cooler than our Sun. Our Sun is very cool compared to Sirius A and Vega. Blue Stars are hot, whilst Red Stars are cool.

Interstellar Cloud:
A local concentration of Gas and Cosmic Dust between the Stars. Because Space is never completely empty, Matter in the form of Atoms, Molecules, and Cosmic Dust Particles is clumped together more densely in Interstellar Clouds. Therefore an Interstellar Cloud is a form of Atoms, Molecules, and Cosmic Dust Particles. Most of which is created from the debris( which is Cosmic Dust) from exploded Stars. After of course they went Nova. So as a Star explodes, it seeds yet another Star, or a number of new Stars. With the dust it deposits in Space. Therefore one single Star, could have seeded the entire Universe. As so it is also the reason why there are so many Stars in the Universe. Something that took an awful long time to to. Because the average life of a Star is from 4 to 12 billion years. Such Interstellar Clouds can also be in the form of Dark Matter. And such debris is found through the Cosmos.

Proto Star:
A stage in the evolution of a forming young Star after it has fragmented from a Interstellar Gas Cloud. But before it has collapsed sufficiently for nuclear fusion reactions to begin. It may last from 100,000 to 10 million years, depending on the mass of the forming Star. A Proto Star is surrounded by a dense cocoon of Gas and Dust that blocks Visible Light, but allows through large amounts of far Infrared and Microwave Radiation.

Blue Stars:
The hottest and most energetic of all the Stars. As I have so indicated above in my Tables. Stars that are in the late Helium-burning stage of their evolution. Once thought to be cool, and in the process of snuffing themselves out. But are actually hot and extremely energetic Stars. Strong ultraviolet emissions of Elliptical Galaxies come from Helium-burning Blue Stars. The Triangulum Galaxy is Blue in color because it has so many Blue Stars within it. Blue Stars come in many sizes. From Blue Dwarfs to Blue Giants. Blue Giants are just as massive as Red Giants. And Blue Dwarf just as small as Red Dwarfs. But all Blue Stars are extremely hot and extremely energetic though. Originally the average Blue Star is between 20 percent and 50 percent more massive than our Sun. But shed the bulk of their mass after the Hydrogen at their cores was exhausted, Astronomers believe. Turning into Blue Dwarf Stars. Then eventually into White Dwarf Stars.

Another stage in Blue Star evolution, begins when it starts burning Helium into heavier Elements. This is an extremely important, but very poorly understood phase of stellar evolution. Once a Star's central Hydrogen fuel is exhausted, it swells in size to become a Red Giant Star. And according to the popular thinking, so scientist believe that Blue Stars have a similar end. I disagree though, and believe in the White Dwarf end of the Blue Stars life. And it does not become a Red Giant Star. All based on what is happening within the Blue Stars. Blue Stars burn so hot, that most their emissions are in the ultraviolet and more energetic wavelengths. White Stars (not the White Dwarfs) eventually become Blue Stars. Normally the White Giant Stars do.

White Giant Stars:
As large as Red and Blue Giant Stars. Much more energetic, and much hotter than Red Giant Stars. But less energetic, and less hotter than Blue Stars. Because Blue is the hottest heat. But the next logical evolution in Star evolution, would be "PURPLE STARS". Which do not exist within our Cosmos. Because they would be Ultraviolet. So the Blue Stars are very close to that right now. Near the Ultraviolet scale of the heat and energy spectrum. While the White Giant Stars are slightly lesser than those. White Giant Stars do evolve into the Blue Giant Stars. But so do most smaller White Stars (like Sirius A) as well. Not to confuse these White Stars with the White Dwarf Stars though. Because the two are totally different.

Yellow Stars:
Are the middle stage for all Star evolution. Of course not all Stars become yellow like our Sub is. But this yellow sequence in exactly in the middle of the Main-Sequence. As a Yellow Star is exactly in-between the hottest Blue Stars, and the coolest Red Stars. Plus it's energy output is in the middle as well. The Yellow Star stage is perfect for producing life on it's surrounding Planets. And our Sun is not the only Yellow Star in our local Star System. Alpha Centauri A  lies 4.35 light-years from the Sun. It's almost exactly like our Sun. Except for one it's slightly larger than our Sun. And two, it has two partners as well. Which are Alpha Centauri B. A smaller Orange Star. And Alpha Centauri C (Proxima Centauri). A Red Dwarf Star.

Orange Stars:
Are in-between the yellow and red stage. But is also the stage from the Red Proto Star as well. As a new Star's heat must go through the orange stage, before it gets to yellow stage. Because Proto Starts start out a low heat first. And all Lower Hear Stars are obviously red in color. Sometimes the Red Proto Stars, are as large as, and get mistaken for the older Red Giant Stars. And Red Giant Stars do not always go nova. They can also change back to orange, on their way to yellow, white, then blue. Meaning that they can get hotter still. But unlike White Stars, Orange, Yellow, and Blue Stars temperature always stay the same. Well keeping in-between certain temperatures.

Red Giant Star:
A giant Star with a diameter between 10 and 100 times times that of our Sun's. Red Giants represent a late stage in the evolution of Stars with a range of masses, from just under the mass of the Sun to tens of solar masses. The largest Red Giant Stars, which form from the most massive of Stars are known as Super Red Giant Stars. And are larger than our entire Solar System. A Red Giant Star is what it is, because it has exhausted its Core supply of Hydrogen and is now fusing Hydrogen to Helium in a shell outside the Core. And also because it's gravitational pull is lesser. So all of it's Star Mass is not compacted tightly. Making the Star a giant.

Red Dwarf Star:
A small, dim, Main Sequence Star. The characteristic properties of Red Dwarf Stars stem ultimately from their low mass, which is approximately in the range 0.1 to 0.5 solar mass. Their low surface temperature, in the range 2,500 to 3,500°C, imparts to them a ruddy hue, while their combination of low temperature and small surface area results in them being very faint. Red dwarfs survive longer because of this. And are more numerous numbers of them because of this. More than any other kind of Star, with the probable exception of Brown Dwarfs Stars. Of the 30 nearest Stars closest to our Sun, 21 fall into this category of being a Red Dwarf.

Like other Star types, Red Dwarfs may be accompanied by Planets. Indeed, a Red dwarf Planetary System may already have been found, in the case of Lalande 21185. However, there are doubts whether any Planets in orbit around such faint Stars could harbor life or not. These doubts arise because of the extremely small habitable zone that would surround a Red Dwarf Star. It is not known whether a Planet can form so close to its Parent Star. If it can, it will almost certainly end up in a so-called "gravitational lock". With one side permanently turned toward the Star. Under such circumstances, it is not clear whether life would be able to evolve.

Brown Dwarf Star:
The dimmest and least massive kind of Star. A Brown Dwarf Star is not really brown but a very dull red instead. The upper mass for a Brown Dwarf is that which is just insufficient for normal Hydrogen fusion to be triggered in the Core. And the very reason why it did not evolve into a Red, Orange, or Yellow Star. Because it's Hydrogen never got fused into Helium. A Brown Dwarfs is believed to be about 0.084 solar mass, or about 84 times the mass of Planet Jupiter's. Brown Dwarfs give off substantial amounts of Infrared Radiation as a result of slow gravitational contraction and small-scale Deuterium Fusion. The more massive a Brown Dwarf, the higher its surface temperature is though. Which is only about 1000 K. But can reach to 2200 K.

Brown Dwarfs do not glow, even dully for very long. As soon as they have used up their meager supply of Deuterium, which takes about 10 million years to do. They fade from dim dark red to black. Brown Dwarfs can also be a result of a dying Red Dwarf Star. Meaning that it would be even older as a Brown Dwarf. A surprisingly high proportion of Brown Dwarfs have been found as companions to other (Red Dwarf) low-mass Stars. Most very low-mass Stars like Brown Dwarfs are solo objects, wandering though space alone after being ejected out of their stellar nurseries during the Star formation process. Our Brown Dwarf Star is Nemesis. Or Wormwood. Or also called Nibiru. And it's not a solo object, because it orbits our Sun. As it's very junior partner.

Black Dwarf Star:
The hypothetical end point of evolution for a Degenerate Star. Which is either a White Dwarf or a Neutron Star. A, after it has cooled down to the extent that it can no longer shine, even dimly. A Black Dwarf Star is composed of cold, Degenerate Matter. And Degenerate Electron Matter in the case of a White Dwarf. Which will ultimately evolve into a Black Dwarf Star. Or degenerate Baryon Matter in the case of a Neutron Star. Which does not always evolve into Black Dwarf Stars. But Black Holes instead.

White Dwarf Star:
A dim, dense, Planet-sized Star that marks the evolutionary endpoint for all but the most Massive Stars. White Dwarf Stars form from the collapse of Stellar Cores in which nuclear fusion has stopped. And are exposed to Space following the loss of the old Star's outer material. Even a fairly large White Dwarf Star, with a mass similar to that of our Sun, is only about as big as Planet Earth. But very very dense though. White Dwarf Stars consist of Electron Degenerate Matter, which provides the pressure needed to prevent further collapse. But there are also Lighter Mass White Dwarf Stars. Stars that never get around to burning Carbon in their Cores. Therefore give rise to Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarf Stars. Which is very different from the Hardened White Dwarf Stars. Most White Dwarf Stars are considered to be Super Hardened Diamonds in Space.

Neutron Star:
One of the possible endpoints of stellar evolution. A Neutron Star, with a mass of 1.4 to 3 solar masses, forms from the collapsing Core (nova or super nova) of a Massive Star (Super Red Giant Star). Immediately following the Star's exhaustion of its fusion energy reserves. With the outflow of Radiation from the Stellar Core suddenly switched off, the Core can no longer support the overlying layers against the inward force of Gravity. The rapidly mounting pressure of the in-falling layers squeezes the Electrons and Protons of the core together to create Neutrons and Neutrinos. The Neutrinos escape immediately  into Space, but the Neutrons crowd closer and closer together until they reach the density of an Atomic Nucleus. If the Neutrons are not able to resist further collapse, a Black Hole will form.

But not before the Star's collapsing middle layers rebound against the newly-formed Solid Neutron Core. This generates a shock wave which heats and blows off the surface layers as a supernova explosion. Left behind is a rapidly spinning Neutron Star which has a strong magnetic field with poles that are usually aligned with the pole's of the Star's rotation. Two oppositely directed beams of radio waves escape from the poles and sweep around like a lighthouse beam, producing a series of regular radio blips that can be detected, an the result is a "Pulsar". A Neutron Star is only typically only about 20 km (12.5 miles) across. Yet within this small region may be over 2 solar masses of material. The results of is a gravitational field at the surface of a Neutron Star about "70 billion" times stronger than that on Planet Earth.

Neutron stars have a density of about 1014 g/cm³, or roughly a million times that of White Dwarf Stars. And some White Dwarf Stars are 20,000 times harder than Diamond. In the structure, a Neutron Star more closely resembles a solid, miniature planet than it does an ordinary Star. Its core consists mainly of densely-packed Neutrons, with a sprinkling of Protons and an equal number of Electrons. In a liquid-like state known as "Neutronium".

Black Hole:
An object or region of Space where the pull of Gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it. So the escape velocity exceeds the speed of Light. So not even Light Particles (Photons) can escape it. It's force of Gravity is so great that it crushes Atoms. This nothing can exist in the state of Mass or Matter, whilst being pulled into a Black Hole. In theory, any Mass if sufficiently compressed would become a Black Hole. And therefore Neutron Stars fate are usually such. Since they are so very dense as well. Second only to the Black Hole. Much like White Dwarf Stars, but denser. A Stellar Black Hole is only likely to result from a Heavyweight Star (a Red or Super Red Giant) goes nova or supernova.  Super Massive Black Holes are known almost certainly to exist at the center of many large Galaxies. And are the ultimate source of the energy behind the phenomenon of the active Galactic Nucleus.

A Star from birth to death:
Now I will give you and example of a Stars life, from birth to death. Using our own Sun as an example. As a Cloud of this Gas and Dust (Interstellar Cloud) began collapsing in on itself, under its own Gravity. A Cloud that originated from the death of another Star that use to be near by our own. Actually such a Star would now be either a White Dwarf Star, or a Neutron Star? Or maybe a Brown Dwarf Star? Or it could have evolved into a Black Hole by now? Any ways the Cloud of Gas and Dust from that Stars nova, or dissipation (a Planetary Nebula), had given birth to our Sun. As our Star/Sun started forming into a "Proto Star". All due to conservation of angular momentum, that caused the Cloud to form into the shape of a rotating disk.

After a certain time the center of this "Accretion Disk" began to heat up from the pressure of the Gas Particles. Then thermonuclear reactions started in its Core. Or thermonuclear reactions created the/it's Core. The Hydrogen to Helium reactions liberated considerable energy then. And this energy is what drove the new Proto Star. Which was the first stage of our Sun's life. Something that took about at total of 2,130,000 years to accomplish, from Interstellar Cloud to Proto Star. 2,000,000 years from the Interstellar Cloud to the Cloud Fragment. 30,000 years from the Cloud Fragment to the Cloud Fragment/Proto Star. Then 100,000 years from the Cloud Fragment/Proto Star to the Proto Star.

Then an additional 1,000,000 years whilst in the Proto Star stage. As a Proto Star. Then the Protostar's Accretion Disk budded off into small vortices of Condensing Matter away from the tumult of the stellar furnace. This matter made "Proto Planets". As these Proto Planets eventually become the other bodies orbiting in the new Solar System. !The Planets. After a few million years the new Solar System began to mature a bit. The Proto Star, which might have been wildly variable at first, changed in size and luminosity. As it began to settle down within that 1,000,000 years time. Then 10,000,000 years later the Proto Star had become a "Star". Which was first an "Orange Star". Then it took an additional 30,000,000 years to get from the Orange Star stages, in order to make it to the "Yellow Main-Sequence Star" that we have today.

Around that time the Proto Planets then begin forming their more recognizable shapes. The Planets, the Asteroids, the Comets, and the other interplanetary bodies. Around that time the Star had almost become a Main-Sequence Star. But first it changed from a red to a higher heat of orange. Because of it's increased heat, due to it's full-time nuclear fusion then. So it had went from being a Red Proto Star, that was the size of a Red Giant Sun. To an Orange Sun that was slightly larger than it is today. Then it evolved into the Yellow Star that it is today. And our Sun has currently been at that stage for about 5,500,000,000 years. Now it is beginning to age even more. As it begins to wander off the main-sequence a slight bit, as it begins to run out of Hydrogen in its Core. And will so then start to quiver. As more Solar Flares might indicate this as well?

It will then become an Orange Sub-Giant Star. As it begins to swell, and starts becoming more and more unstable. The reactions in the Core will begin to change, and so the balance between expansion and gravitation becomes upset then. At that point in a its life, the Star can again become wildly unstable. Like it was at it's original Proto Star stage. Beginning to pulsate, change brightness, and change color. After a time, the Hydrogen in the Core will run out almost completely, as it collapses. New reactions, such as Helium-to-Carbon will then begin to take place in the Core. These reactions will liberate more energy than do the Hydrogen-to-Helium reactions did, and so the Star will then expand. As it will eventually evolve into a Red Giant Star. Which will take a total of 10,000,000,000 years to accomplish from the initial Main Sequence Star, to then. So in about 4,500,000,000 years our Sun will completely run out of fuel. Ending it's 10,000,000,000 year life as a Yellow Star on the Main- Sequence. Then becoming an Orange Sun-Giant Star. Which will take 100,000,000 to do so.

Then it will become a Red Giant Star in another years 100,001,000 years. As its radius will increase many times by then. So much so that it will eventually engulf the Inner Planets out to Planet Mars. Then as the Red Giants remain in this stage for an additional 50,000,000 years until the Cores will run out of it's new fuel sources. Thus switching to others. First the Helium-to-Carbon. Then the Carbon-to-Oxygen. But this would have taken an additional 10,000 years to do so. As it will convert to the above "Carbon Core". Becoming a White then a Blue Giant Star. Taking another 100,000 years to do so. Then Oxygen-to-Silicon, and so on. New Elements will be then formed in the Core, all the way up to Iron. But Iron
is the limit to such nuclear reactions in Stars. Simply because Iron is too heavy to be fused into higher Elements with a gain of energy. The Star will have then reached its evolutionary dead-end then. Then it will begin to shed its outer layers of Star Matter. Since it's Gravity will not strong enough to hold onto them anymore. Those layers will then be flung into space (but not like a Nova though), leaving a fiery Core left. Such an object is called a "Planetary Nebula".

Thus becoming a smaller and smaller Blue, to a "Blue Dwarf Star" in the process. Then  eventually when the Core runs out of fuel. And has converted the majority of its Mass into heavier Elements, such as the Iron, it will collapse. It will collapse until Electron pressure halts the collapse. Such an object will then very dense, and will be is called a White Dwarf Star. It will then be the total mass of the Sun compressed into a sphere the size of the Planet Earth. Now that's very dense. Eventually, the White Dwarf Star cools, venting its energy into Space, until it no longer shines. This dead Star will then be called a Brown Dwarf Star. Which will just be one step from being a Black Dwarf Star then. The end result is eventually a Black Dwarf Star. Then total dissipation. And such a fate eventually awaits our Sun.

Now a Star indeed lives much longer than 10 billion years. !Doesn't it? As ours will live for some 10,193,241,000 years. But it lives far longer than that, because the age of the White, Brown, and Black Dwarf Stars was not calculated into that figure. White Dwarf Stars alone can live for up to 12,000,000,000 years. Then the Blue Stars that come before them live for about 100,000,000 years or so. So tack those figures onto the expected age of our Sun, and you'll get a figure of 22,293,241,000 years old before it finally dies. Because the Hotter Blue Stars live only a few million years. Yellow Stars like our Sun live for 10 billion years, and Red Stars (more like the Red Dwarf Stars, not the Red Giants) live for tens of billions of years. But I can't really give you the real expected age of our Sun. Simply because no one knows exactly how long a Brown and a Black Dwarf Star is expected to live. So I cannot even estimate such a life span. But you can bet it will be beyond the 50,000,000,000 year old time period. Far older than the Universe itself. Or is it?

Scientist believe that our Universe is only about 13,000,000,000 years old. That's complete nonsense. If it was, then there should be no "Black Holes" within the Universe then. And we all know that there are many Black Holes within our Universe. Now if there are Black Holes, then they have to be at least 50,000,000,000 years old, or more then. Based on the extremely long time it takes a Star to form into a Black Hole. Which it has to become a White Dwarf, then a Black Dwarf, or a Neutron Star first. And we know how long that will take. But here is a secret to our Suns evolution. As I had said before in my other E-Books. When I said how "Nemesis". Our Suns junior Brown Star partner, is the origin of our Sun. As it gave birth to our Sun so long ago. After it went through the entire 22 plus billion, or more year process. Making it to the evolution of a Brown Dwarf Star. And so Nemesis now orbits it's child. Just like Sirius B orbits Sirius A. And I'll leave you on that note now.

Now after all of my explanations. Here is yet another of my diagrams that will help explain the life of a Star. As you can see the very long life of our Sun/Star in black numbers. Then the shorter life of Stars like Sirius A and Vega in blue numbers. Then the life of a typical Red Dwarf Star in red numbers. Beginning with the Red Proto Star, and ending with the Black Dwarf Star. And you can see that there are Yellow Dwarf Stars, as well as the Red, Brown, Black, Orange, White, and Blue Dwarfs. Plus there are Yellow, Blue, Orange, Red, Blue, and White Giants. Then there are the "Extreme Blue Stars". Those that are very very hot, and very very bright indeed. To the point they appear Ultraviolet in color.

Our Galaxy is only one of many in our Galactic Neighborhood below here:

They may all be separate Galaxies, but they are all orbiting the same source. Some believe that source to be an enormous Black Hole. I do as well. But each Galaxy also rotates on it's own axis as well, just like our Sun does. These are the natural universal movements of all of the so-called Heavenly Bodies within our Universe. As Moons orbit Planets, which both rotate on their own axis'. Planets orbit Suns, with both rotate on their own axis'. Then Suns orbit around Galaxies, which all rotate on their own axis' as well. Most people think Galaxies just sit there. Doing nothing. Not rotating or anything at all. !Duh. All Galaxies rotate on their own axis. They rotate around an enormous force of Gravity which is called the "Black Hole". Just like our Universe does as well.

Simply because Gravity is the force that holds Universes, Galaxies, and Solar Systems together. When it is lost or becomes weaker, Planets, Stars, and Galaxies drift off into the void of Interstellar Space. The same gravitational forces produce the orbits and spirals of Planets and Stars within their respected Solar Systems and Galaxies. These forces causes Planets, Stars, and Galaxies to spin. The spinning motion causes the Galaxy and Solar Systems to elongate into spirals, this is simply the unraveling of the Sphere. The center of a Galaxy has it's Spherical shape, but it increasingly becomes smaller and smaller with time. Galaxies ultimately unravel or separate into the vastness of Space, from which they were created from in the first place. This is the natural cycle of creation and destruction, that Time and Space ultimately are subjected to.

First there was "Irregular Galaxies", these Galaxies were in the Forming State. They were just clumps of Matter and/or loose, or left-over Stars and Matter from other Universes or Galaxies. Then there were the "Elliptical Galaxies", that grew from the Irregular Galaxies into the Spherical Galaxies/States. These are similar to the Universal Bubbles or Spheres. Then there are the "Spiral Galaxies", these are Galaxies that are devolved from the Spherical State. They are the unraveling state of the Spherical Galaxies. Lastly there are the Irregular Galaxies again. They are the completion of a Galactic stages. It's the complete Dissipated State of a Galaxy. Which starts this process all over again.

IRREGULAR --------------ELLIPTICAL ---------------SPIRAL ---------------------IRREGULAR
--- --- ---
Our Milky Way Galaxy is obviously a Spiral Galaxy which is obviously unraveling. Many a documentary have displayed the movements of such Galaxies. Showing them moving at a much much higher rate of speed than they actually are moving at. I have theorized above in another chapter that one rotation of our Spiral Galaxy, on it's own axis takes 900,000,000 years. That's and incredibly long period of time indeed. But as it does it is still moving around the Universe. Just like Planet Earth is still moving around our Sun. Even though it still rotates on it's own axis as well.

But Planet Earth takes only about 24 hours to rotate on it's own axis. Planet Earth though,  is only 24,902.4 miles in circumference at the Equator and 7994.34 miles in diameter there. While the Milky Way Galaxy is about 100,000 light years in diameter at the long end of the spiral. Therefore it takes the 900,000,000 years for the Galaxy to rotate on it's own axis. While Planet Earth only takes about 24 hours.
Using my table in chapter 5 above. I had already proven that every
900,000,000 years our Galaxy completes a full rotation on it's own axis. Completing a new Galactic Age after each time. This 900,000,000 years should then be directly related to the number of times our Sun completes an orbit around the great force that it's orbiting around. Which is first the Star Sirius A. While Sirius A is orbiting around that great force. Anyways it takes our Sun, or Sol about 51,200 to 52,000 years to orbit around it. Let's do some math to see if that's true or not. First I use the 51,200 and the 52,000 years, by dividing each into the 900,000,000 years. Getting the number of orbits completed in such a time.

 Which is 17,578.125 and 17,307.6923076923076923076923076923 .

But watch this! I used this number; 17142.8571428571428571428571428571 , and divided the 900,000,000 years by. Then I got the figure of 52500.0000000000000000000000000219  which are the true years our Sun orbits some great force beyond it and Sirius A. Now to  where I got the 17142.8571428571428571428571428571 , is from none other than the sum of my theoretical Cuboctahedron from an earlier chapter above. Which has 24 faces and 14 vertices. Dividing the 14 into the 24 (24/14). Which can be also be converted to 144/84 or 144000/84000 (the Biblical 144,000). Equals 1.71428571428571428571428571428571 . Our number above once you move four decimal points over, because the results we are seeking is in the 52000.00 range. !How about that? So it actually takes Sol, or our Sun 52,500 years to orbit some great force that's located on one of our Galaxies Outer Arms.

So my figures of 51,200 and 52,000 are incorrect. But I arrived at those figures, previously in my second Ancient History of Mankind on Earth E-Book. But only based upon my prior math. Math that was also based upon the actual movements of "Local Stars" nearest our Sun. Now how close was I after all? Very very close indeed. But now I have learned anew. Thus gaining the correct number I was seeking all along. But first proving that our Galaxy takes about 900,000,000 years to rotate on it's own axis. A time that also accommodated the Five Platonic Solid stages of ascension or growth, that has almost completed itself. With five stages dividing perfectly Into the 4.5 billion years of our Earth's evolution. But also discovering yet another explanation of the Biblical 144,000 in the process.

But that's not all I have found out here. I have also found that Nemesis, or Planet Nibiru's Sun, also fits into this equation. As it orbits our Sun, or Sol 250,000 times in that same 900,000,000 year period. !Exactly 250,000 times, since Nemesis' orbit around our Sun, or Sol, takes exactly 3,600 years to complete. !Who knew this? Now what's the conclusion to all of this math? It all aligns in year 2012 A.D. A time when Nemesis and Sol both align on the Galactic Equator. Completing another 900,000,000 year galactic rotation. That's when Sol or our Sun will receive Galactic energies. Causing it to flare-out violently, thus causing Planet Earth to become bombarded with an incredible amount of Solar radiation. Solar Radiation that will be absorbed by our Earth Core as well.

Because only a small amount of this Solar Radiation is absorbed by Earth's Atmosphere. All the rest of it then gets absorbed by the Planetary Ley Lines. Which in turn cycle it into the Earth Core. So the Earth's Core will become bombarded with all of these additional Solar Rays or Radiation. Giving it the additional energy it requires to change or to ascend into my theoretical Cuboctahedron Crystal Lattice. Thus transforming Planet Earth into a Six Dimensional Planet as well. But these additional Solar Rays will also cause many parts of Planet Earth to burn. Just like it's told about in Biblical Revelations. As my theory can also explain the great Lightening strikes in Biblical Revelations as well. Because when the Sun bombards the Earth with excess Solar Rays, the Clouds collect a huge amount of them. Then convert them into Lightening. Lightening it must discharge all at once. Explaining Biblical Revelations great Lightening strikes.

The fires, the Lightening strikes. !What else? When the massive Solar Flares occur in the year 2012, they will disruption the Earth's Magnetic Field very very severely. Then the Aurora Polar Lights caused by the charged particles from the Sun, will be seen at night all over the world. But more so the Flaring Sun will be seen in the day time, as people will began to panic when it happens. As the Sun will display a similar phoneme, as it did at Fatima in Portugal in the early 1900's. But this time the Sun will become "BLOOD RED". As if it is about to go novae. But how can that be? When our Sun is only a Medium Yellow Sun, and not scheduled to go nova for billions of years. But of course it has to evolve into a Red Giant Sun first (in about 4 billion years). So how could it possibly go novae at such a young age?

The answer lies with Nemesis or the Dark Star. As I speak it's tugging at our Sun. Just as Sirius B tugs at Sirius A. Removing material from our Sun, simply because it has a greater gravitational pull than our Sun does. Just like Sirius B has one greater than Sirius A does. During this tugging our Sun is caused to flare-out. Which has been occurring much more frequently lately. Nemesis is now closest to our Sun, on it's close orbit to it. I have been trying to tell peoples this for the past 5 years now. That Nemesis and it's Planet, Nibiru, is nearest our Sun now. Right on schedule just as the Ancient Babylonians had predicted. As I had also said in both of my Ancient History of Mankind on Earth E-Books, that it has been photographed as well. But NASA has been covering-up the fact that it's here now.

I have no idea if Nemesis is going to cause our Sun to go novae or not, but I do know that it will physically collide with it. Because the Holy Bible has said that "WORMWOOD" shall strike the Earth and the Sun. Wormwood as we know is Nemesis, or the Dark Star. I also know that the Bible says how Heavenly Bodies will melt. So what else could possibly do that, except a Sun? So is it telling us that our Sun will indeed go novae? Melting all of the planets within our Solar System. Or will it just flare-out enough to melt Mercury, and possibly Venus as well. Then burning the Earth instead of completely melting it? Maybe or maybe not this will all happen? But why would the certain writers of the Bible consistently say these things. Basically they were predicting the future, because many credible scientist are beginning to see such Galactic changes now.

But there's one more thing a Flaring Sun can cause upon the Earth. By heating-up the Earth it can melt all of the Ice Crystals in the Upper and the Lower Atmospheres. Thus causing the "FIRMNESS". Which it is, to come crashing down upon the Earth's Surface. Causing yet another Great Flood. So the Earth's Sun will cause all of these terrible events. The FIRES, the FLOOD, the EARTH QUAKE, and the CORE CHANGES. !There it is.

Grand Alignment:
There has been much said about the theorized December 21st, 2012 Galactic Alignment. I will now explain a lot of that for you. According to the Mayan Calendar there will be a Galactic Plane, or an alignment on the Galactic Equator. The Galactic Equator of course, is the Galactic Elliptical. The area in space that's our/the Milky Way Galaxy's Equator. According to researcher's our Earth's Sun aligns with this Equator every 25,600 to 26,000 years, and the year 2012 is another of such alignments. Now I will further that information, by informing you that our Universe is nothing more than a Clock. About 4,000 years ago Astrologers and Mathematicians was greatly impressed by the majestic regularity of the Stars. Basically by their movements in the sky. They realized that there was a pattern the Stars followed.

For centuries they attempted to discover the secrets of the Stars and the Universal Clock. They then realized that it took millions of years just to represent one revolution in the giant Universal Clock. Then at the end of such a great period, the Stars would find their original places again. Where they started millions of years before the revolution. So they named this span of time the "Great Constant". I will now further this by saying how this Great Constant is the Universal Clock itself. A clock with the many Stars as it's movable pieces. Each Star measuring a smaller time in the great Universal Clock. Now let me continue by saying why the Stars move as they do.

Moons orbit Planets, Planet orbit Suns/Stars. Why this is, is because of the gravitational and magnetic between these objects. Obviously smaller objects orbit larger ones. Then of course two similar objects orbit each other. In a sort of tug-o-war. These are very simply rules of universal physics. So if this is the case, then Sun's should orbit other Sun's as well. !They do, which I will prove later. But before that let me finish by saying how the larger and more gravitational powerful Sun/Stars in a Star System, are orbited by the smaller, less gravitationally powerful Stars/Suns. All of those Stars then orbit the most powerful gravitational force within that Star System. Which is their Local Black Holes.

Those Local Black Holes orbit even larger/grater Black Holes. Which they all orbit an even greater Black Hole. Which is at the center of our Galaxy. An enormous Black Hole indeed. But every Galaxy orbits an even larger and more massive Black Hole. Which is the very center of our Universe. The very area where our Universe begun long ago, so many billions of years ago. So we have many parts of this giant Universal Clock. All moving at the same time in a complexed and synchronized movement. So let's look at things from a much smaller perspective now. At our Star System perspective. Within it Stars orbit each other. Our Sun/Star is orbiting, and/or tugging against it's nearest neighbor. The Star of "Alpha Centauri" or "Rigil Kentaurus". More like in a tug-o-war against each other.

Alpha Centauri is a slightly larger and more gravitationally powerful Star than our Sun is. But the two are the same type Stars. Some call them twins. So our Sun tugs against Alpha Centauri. As they swing around one another. It's now a know scientific fact that Proxima Centauri is indeed coming closer towards our Sun. If that is the case than our Sun and Alpha Centauri are coming closer to one another. Simply because Proxima Centauri is orbiting around Alphi Centauri. Proxima Centauri, or also called Alpha Centauri C, is strictly an outlying member of the Alpha Centauri System rather than an independent Star. Proxima is a faint and inoffensive Red Dwarf Star. The relative motions of our Sun and Proxima, means that they are actually getting closer together at a rate of about 16,000 miles per second.

The Star Proxima Centauri, is roughly 4.2 light-years away from our Sun. Which is about the distance of 41,000,000,000,000 kilometers or 25,000,000,000,000 miles away from us. At that distance and speed, it would take the two Stars about 2968.7262 years to reach one another. Traveling at just 8,421,120,000 miles per year. But they will never reach one another. Simply because Alpha Centuri and our Sun will not orbit one another. They will swing each other around instead. Coming closer at times, but never orbiting one another. Both Stars are to comparative in size to dominate one another. But the Star Sirius A is large enough to dominate them both. And so it does.

So as they tug against each other, Sirius A has them both orbiting around it. It is now a fact that Alpha Centuri is getting closer to Sirius A. Sirius A though would be more attracted to the slightly larger Alpha Centauri also. But would still be attracted to both Stars anyway. So both Stars would have the same orbital period around Sirius A. Sirius A has a strong gravitational pull, but Sirius B does also. Causing it to place great pressures upon the much larger Sirius A. Just like Nemesis does to our Sun, and Alpha Centauri B does to the larger Alpha Centauri A. Planet Earth receives all of this activity as well, but our Sun holds it within it's lower orbit easily. Other more distant Planets, such as Nibiru are allowed to orbit out further. But it is part of the Nemesis Solar System though.

Other Stars can easily be thrown into this complexed mix. Like; Ross 614, Procyon A and Procyon B, Luyten's Star, Kapteyn's, Epsilon Eridani, Wolf 359, Ross 128, L726-8 A and L726-8 B, G51-15, and others. All of which are orbiting Sirius A. Even more distant Stars from Sirius A, such as; Lalande 21385, Kruger A and Kruger B, Barnard's Star, Ross 154, 61 Cygni, and even Altair, can still be caught in Sirius A gravitational pull. Sirius A is the most important and most historic, not to mention the most mythological Star in all of Earth history. It is simply our Mother Star. So we receive Cosmic Rays from it, and also from Sirius B. Simply put "Energy". Being only 8.6 light years away from Sirius A and B, Planet Earth receives a great deal of energy from them both.

So it's importance in ancient Earth history and mythology is based on a Cosmic nature. Not on superstition. Sirius is visible in the Northern Hemisphere evening sky from November through April. Sirius is over 20 times brighter than our Sun and twice as massive. Not to mention 20 times more powerful. So just imagine if our Earth was a planet orbiting Sirius A? We would all be different as Beings then. We already know which Beings come from Sirius, so I will not repeat it again. You will also hear more about them later. The Dogon Tribe in Mali West Africa identified Sirius A and Sirius B thousands of years ago.

Sirius B is very small, yet very massive. It's a White Dwarf Star that is small, but dense. Sirius B although small and faint, is extremely dense and heavy. Enough to exert a very great influence on the much larger Sirius A. The pull of its gravity caused Sirius' wavy-like movement. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye and packs almost the entire mass of our Sun into it's small space, which is only 4 times as large as the Earth. Sirius B's surface is 300 times harder than Diamonds, and therefore generates huge magnetic fields around it. The two Stars, Sirius A and Sirius B move around each other, constantly exchanging Cosmic/Solar Particles. Because of its greater density and magnetic field, Sirius B takes the lion's share of these particles, taking gases and materials off of the larger Sirius A.

Every 49.9 years, Sirius A and B come as close together as their orbits will allow, creating huge Magnetic Storms between them. As they approach each other, the two Stars both begin to spin faster as tidal forces become stronger. Finally flip-flopping over, and actually trading places with each other. This energy is eventually released to flow on magnetic field lines to the Suns, which transmits it like a lens to all the planets away from them. Including Planet Earth. Being an extremely dense White Dwarf Star, Sirus B is more than likely the older Star of the two.

Now as far as the Galactic Plane or Equator. In the year 2012, Earth's Sun, Earth, Nemisis, Planet Nibiru, Alpha Centuri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Proxima Centauri will all align on that plane or Equator. All of this Cosmic Energy, along with Cosmic Energy from Sirius A and Sirius B, will all be directed to the Planet Earth and it's Sun. Planet Earth will them become the recipiant of massive amounts of Cosmic Energies, from all of these Stars, and from the Galactic Center as well. Now where will all of this Cosmic Energy go? It will go into Earth Geomagnetic Field. Which will then be cycled through Earth's Core.

Secrets of the Solar System:
Secrets, secrets, and more secrets. It seems that's what it all about. Secrets. It also seems that everyone is keeping secrets from us here on Planet Earth, and I'm damn tired of it. As you can see I'm about exposing those damn secrets. The ones that World Governments, the Aliens, and even God is keeping from us. I'm sure God has a good reason for keeping such secrets from us, but what about the other Aliens and their Worldly Government pawns? Or should I say the Aliens and the "Shadow Government".

They know things that the average citizen can't hardly imagine. But I do also, and I'm here to expose such things, or secrets. If you haven't noticed that yet, then you have not been listening to me. So here I go again. This time with the secrets of the Solar System. Which of course pertain to our Earth. First let me repeat what I had previously said in part/book one. Then I will elaborate from there;

It's said that the Solar System was a far different place eons ago. Venus use to be a Moon of Jupiter's. It very well could have been because Venus is only 12,102 KM in diameter, while Jupiter is 142,800 KM. Venus was said to have been released from Jupiter's orbit and moved into it's present position. Some researchers say that Nibiru struck Earth, others say that Venus struck Earth, and others say that Venus struck Mars. Mars definitely shows evidence of being struck by another Astronomical Body.

Then Venus is totally out of place. It is also said that Earth and Mars were in lower orbits (closer towards the Sun). If this is true then Mars use to be in our present orbit, and we were in Venus' orbit. It is a well known fact that Earth was a very hot and inhospitable place long long ago. Was it because it use to be in Venus' orbit? The Planet Venus has that condition today. Mars use to be in our present position and had surface life, Atmosphere, and water. Was this because it was in our orbital position?

I say yes to both of these questions. Then all of a sudden Mars' Atmosphere was stripped away by an obvious cataclysm. Earth's Moon and both of Mars' Moons were supposedly brought to them by Planet Nibiru. It is said that the Martian Moons are from the destroyed Planet Maldek, and Earth's Moon is the ejected Core from that destroyed planet. The Core flew towards Earth because Mars was not capable (large enough) to retain it as it's own Moon. It did not go towards Jupiter because Jupiter already had over sixteen Moons, and had also experienced a recently weakened Gravitational Field that released the Venus Moon.

This is exactly what happened to Jupiter when it lost it's Venus Moon. Then since Mars and Earth were to weak and to small to retain Venus, it became a Planet of it's own. It was released between Earth's and Mercury's orbits. When it was released it forced Earth away into a higher (away from the Sun) orbit. Some legends say that it collided with Earth first, causing great destruction upon both planets, but not enough to destroy both planets. Then Mars was said to have been struck in the same manner. 

Despite all of the legends, whatever is true about them or not. I believe that it's very very obvious that there was a planet where the Asteroid Belt (between Mars and Jupiter) exist. This is a fact, and anyone with any common sense can clearly see that. So there is a great deal of truth that there was a planet called Maldek that was in that position.  Then there is the fact that the shifting of gravitational forces within our Solar System has caused many changes within it. During such changes planets have become moons and moons have become planets. Then the obviousness of "Bode's Law", which has identified a logical spacing sequence of planets from the Sun, and moons from the planets. So legends like Maldek and Nibiru have allowable space for them to exist in. 

Now I will continue by saying that our Sun is not the only one within our Solar System. Our Sun's has a small junior partner. It's the small Brown Star which is called "Nemesis", or the "Dark Star". It's not actually the Planet Nibiru, it's Nibiru's Sun. So I guest you could call it Nibiru also. It orbits our Sun every 3600 years in a solar tug-a-war, as our larger Sun dictates to it. Swinging it around in it's comet-like orbit. In such Binary Star Systems the smaller Star orbits the larger one, and in this case our Sun is the larger of the two.

A Star such as our own Sun was born when enormous clouds of dust and gas, which was stretched over 2 light years out or away, collapsed under the force of gravity. As this material was compressed it gradually warmed up to the temperatures of about 15,000,000 degrees. At this point nuclear fusion began in its Core, and energy in the form of Heat and Light traveled out from the center. Giving us Light and Plasma. As long as there is still material within the Star or Sun the nuclear fusion process can continue, with Hydrogen being fused into Helium.

When, however, it has used up its Core Hydrogen Fuel, the Star starts to fuse Helium and eventually other elements. During this time the Star will expand into a Red Giant or Super Red Giant Sun. Becoming tens or even hundreds of times larger. Then eventually, no more fuel will be available and the Star will collapse under it's own force of gravity to form a White Dwarf Star. Which is only a few thousand kilometers in diameter at most. Our Sun is probably headed in that direction, but Nemesis is not.

For Stars more massive than our Sun, the end is much more dramatic. Each time one type of the nuclear fuels is consumed, the Core contracts a little further. The temperature then rises and a new region is of the Star is ignited. After a series of such steps, the Star then produces heavier elements, and the Core is turned into Iron. At this point the Core can no longer support itself and it collapses violently with the outer layers of the Star being torn apart in a Nova or Super Nova explosion. The Core then continues to collapse to a Neutron Star, then a Black Hole. Neutron Stars form into Black Holes.

A Brown Dwarf Sun is a object with a mass less than 1/12 the mass of our Sun. It never becomes hot enough to ignite and maintain nuclear reactions and therefore cannot be considered a true Star. A Brown Dwarf Star has a mass between 1/100 and 1/12 times the mass of the Sun and may produce energy for a brief time by means of nuclear reactions involving Deuterium, but it will not become hot enough to fuse Protons to form Helium. An object with a mass less than that of a Brown Dwarf is a Planet. Brown Dwarf Stars give off substantial amounts of infrared radiation as a result of slow gravitational contraction and small-scale Deuterium fusion.

So is this excess radiation the bitterness of "Wormwood" (which is just another name for Nemesis) that the Bible was talking about? Maybe it is? I believe that Nemesis will come to close to Planet Earth, spewing harmful radiation all over it. Poisoning the waters, and making them bitter like the Bible has said it would. My point is after all of this is that the low-mass Brown Dwarf Star called Nemesis is Wormwood, and it will wreak havoc upon the Earth once again. With it's radiation and with it's gravitational pull. Such a Stars do have  powerful gravitational pulls. Such a Star is forming into a Low Mass Black Hole. That's my theory anyway. Based on it's powerful gravitational pull.

Rev 8:11:
And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Something which has ravaged the Earth and our part of the Solar System since before we could remember. It brought the Comets that dispatched the Dinosaurs around 65 and 31 million years ago. And it was the cause of other global catastrophes. A paper was written by Gerald Brown and Hans Bethe called "A Scenario for a Large Number of Low-Mass Black Holes in the Galaxy". The paper was published in the Astrophysical Journal in March 1994. The mechanism they propose "softens" the equation governing the collapse of a Neutron Star so that Stars with lower mass that previously thought can produce Black Holes after a Supernova explosion.

A Dwarf Star is the longest living type of star, some last for about 200 billion years. This is because dwarves have usually low masses. With low masses, there comes slow fusion reactions. The slower the reactions, the longer they last. When the Dwarf Star finally runs out of materials to combine together in its Core. Then it forms into a Black Dwarf. Black Dwarfs can form into Black Holes. But a Black Dwarf  Star is used to describe a White Dwarf Star that has cooled to become very cold and dark. It will not turn into a Black Hole unless a large amount of matter falls onto its surface from a nearby Star. Even in that case, it is more likely to explode and become a Supernova, which could leave behind a Nebula.

Can you see where I'm going with this? Is Nemesis the remnants of a White Dwarf Star, that has cooled to become very cold and dark. A Brown Dwarf Star, evolving into A Black Dwarf Star. If so has enough matter fallen onto it's surface from our Sun? Since it does sling-shot around it every 3600 years. And will it explode and become a Supernova in the future? There are obviously two ways to have a Brown Dwarf Sun. Not just the one way that's explained above. I believe that it's the latter of the two. And that Nemesis was originally a Star like our Sun, that exhausted it's nuclear fuel. Becoming a so-called dead Star. But because it was a White Dwarf Star, it's still very dense.

When stars like our own Sun die they will become a White Dwarf Star. As a Star like our Sun is running out of fuel in its Core, it begins to grow into a Red Giant Star. But this will not happen to our Sun for another 5,000,000,000 years. Then after another few million years that Red Giant Sun will begin to puff out and form a planetary nebula. Leaving behind only the dead Core of the Star, which is made of mostly Carbon and Oxygen. This is the White Dwarf Star. It takes a long time, 7,000,000 years, for a White Dwarf Star to completely cool, becoming a Black Dwarf Star. If this is the case Nemesis (or Wormwood or Nibiru) is at least 10,000,000,000 years old.

Simply because it takes about 7,000,000 years for a White Dwarf Star to cool into a Black Dwarf Star. And it took our Sun 4,500,00,000 years to reach the point where it's at now. A point at which I believe is much younger than Nemesis is. Making it the younger of the two Suns. So will it destroy our Earth in the year 2012? The year when it will swing back around our Sun from it's short part of it's orbit around our Sun. Because it actually takes Nemesis or Wormwood 13 years to do this very short part of it's orbit. In the year 1999 was the last time it got close to the Earth. Something which caused the record weather that has never  seen in our times. Almost stopping the rotation of our Earth.

Yes Wormwood was close to the Earth in 1999. You just couldn't see it. Simply because it's a very dark Brown Star. But you can bet that the Shadow Government and the Aliens knew about it. I know for a fact they did because around the world they were preparing for all sorts of major disasters. Or did you remember that happened? They had no idea if Wormwood was going to cause further havoc upon Planet Earth or not. !They know. The only people who don't know is only about 99.9% of the Earth population. !Wake up. !Look up, and pay attention. Nibiru was there in the sky in the year 1999, just like Nostradamus said it would be. Just like the Ancient Babylonian's had said also.

Also I associate it's 13 year orbit cycle around our Sun, with the unlucky number "13". Somewhere in our early history someone recorded this 13 years of Earth disasters long ago. Passing down the so-called superstition of the unlucky number 13. I know when I found this out, it was no longer a superstitious number to me anymore. Because these are the years of complete and total disaster for Earth. You'll see. I'll bet you never heard this theory before? Like many of my other theories you've heard, throughout my writings. Now here's another of my revolutionary theories. Mars and all of the outer planets are older than Earth is, and Mercury is also the ejected-Core of a destroyed planet. Just like our Moon is.

I theorize this because our Planet Earth is only 4,500,000,000 years old, and the Structures on Planet Mars (the Face, Pyramids, and Temples) are at least 4,000,000,000 years old. This was an estimate given by geologist, after pictures of the Face, Pyramid, and Temples were first seen. Plus Planet Mars has a very ancient Atmosphere. One that has long since been destroyed. I still believe that Planet Mars use to be where the Planet Earth is today. At around 149,600,000 kilometers away from the Sun. At that time the planet flourished. Having a thick Atmosphere like Planet Earth does today. Basically being a watery planet like Planet Earth is today. Evidence of such can be seen on Planet Mars even today. Something which has been documented by N.A.S.A. and a host of other scientist.

A great cataclysm destroyed Mars Atmosphere. Which I explained previously. When I said that Planet Earth knocked it out into an more distant orbit from the Sun. One that is about 227,900,000 kilometers away from the Sun. I believe that Planet Venus caused Planet Earth to do this. After Venus knocked Planet Earth further away from the Sun. Moving it into it's present orbit. Some say Planet Jupiter use to be where Planet Venus is today. I for one favor Venus being the new comer in the Solar System's lower orbit because of it's erratic orbit. Venus seems to be totally out of place. I once again think that it forced it's way in between Planet Earth and Planet Mercury. And Planet Earth use to be the second planet from the Sun.

Now tiny Mercury is just that. To tiny to be a planet almost. Causing me to believe that it was either a Moon or the ejected Core from a destroyed planet. But Moons are actually planets as well. They are just captured planets. Ones that have been captured within the orbits of larger planets. So Planet Earth actually could have been the first planet from the Sun. Being only 57,900,000 kilometers away from the Sun. If it was in either Planet Mercury's or Planet Venus' position, it would have been much hotter on Planet Earth for sure. Let's look to see in Earth's history, when it began to cool. I go back to 3,960,000,000 years ago. So is this the time when the Earth was moved?

Now all we have to do is find out when Planet Mars lost it's Atmosphere. Which is about 3,500,000,000 years ago. That's when it began to loose it's water. !What a coincidence? Let's see. Planet Earth moves Planet Mars out away further from the Sun. Which starts it to cool, around 3,960,000,000 years ago. Then Planet Mars slowly begins to loose all of it's water, around 3,500,000,000 years ago. Meaning that it's Atmospheres was slowly being stripped away. According to the following Web site, which I quote;
Armed with their improved model of the atmosphere and its constituent loss rates, Krasnopolsky and Feldman have been able to make another big step: estimating the amount of water on Mars at much earlier times in its evolution. The estimates are surprising: between now and a point about 3.5 billion years ago, Mars has lost enough water to blanket the entire planet to a depth of 30 meters (almost 100 feet!). Extrapolating back even further, it appears that Mars started with even more water per unit mass than the earth did! However, with much lower gravity, Mars has lost a much larger fraction of it's water than earth. 

How about that? Now we look at when Planet Venus' Atmosphere began to heat up. As a result of loosing water due to excessive heat. But before we do, look at this Web site that I quote as well;
Venus may have had hot, planet-spanning oceans for hundreds of millions of years before it lost them, according to a new planet evolution theory and NASA spacecraft data. The new history for Earth's twin planet solves several Venus mysteries. It explains many of the extreme conditions found on Venus today. Called the wet greenhouse theory, the explanation was developed by Drs. James Kasting, Tom Ackerman, and James Pollack, of NASA's Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif. The work suggests that Venus had relatively Earth-like conditions during its early history.  It also suggests (as many scientists now believe) that Venus, Earth, and Mars formed from similar interstellar materials, and that all three originally had substantial amounts of water.

Planet Venus began to heat up around the same time as Planet Earth began to cool. Planet Venus is also younger than Planet Earth. While Planet Mercury is older than both Earth and Venus. This is od? Planet Mercury also has a Core that's extremely large. Which is 75% of the planets entire diameter !Why? Because the planet is a Core, that was ejected from somewhere else. Just like our Moon is. Now all of these odd occurrences could point to one thing. "Nibiru" or "Nemesis". The "Dark Star" or "Wormwood". It could have moved all of these Planetary Bodies into their present position.

Bringing in new Planetary Bodies, Moons, Cores, Comets, whatever else. It is the havoc weaker within our Solar System. The Great King of Terror as Nostradamus had called it. No other force within our Solar System has been so devastating within the Solar System. It has caused life to spawn, and it has taken life as well. Something it will do again in the future. It's the greatest secret within our Solar System.

The Stars tell all:
The Stars have dictated to our entire existence. From the formation to our planets, to our very behavior. What I am about to explain here will assist in proving the existence of our Extraterrestrial/Alien Cousins. Simply because their previous descriptions, match the Stars from which the came from. Before I get into that, let me first explain the Stars they came from themselves. Using my chart below, as I explain it. First of all there are different sized Stars. From the size of a tiny Neutron Star, that's only the size of a couple City Blocks. To a Super Red Giant Star, that's larger than our entire Solar System.

As you notice in my chart, I have used particular Stars within our Star Systems to show you the size differences. Using the Earth Year, or the time it takes our Earth to orbit our Sun, I have indicated just how long it would take our Earth to orbit those other Suns/Stars. It takes Planet Pluto 248 years to orbit our Sun. Planet Pluto is in the very outer reaches of our Solar System. So the Super Red Giant Star named Betelgeuse is actually larger than our entire Solar System. !Massive indeed. But it could be ready to go Super Nova also. When it does we will definitely see it happen. That's of course when the light reaches us from there. Once it goes Nova it will be transformed into a Neutron Star. Because the Neutron Star is actual it's Core.

Next I will explain Star luminosity. Basically how much Light or Photons a Star can put out. Or how far it can send it. Your Stars luminosity will determine how large the eyes of the creatures on your planet will be. Since our Sun/Star is a Medium Yellow Star, we seem to have Medium-sized Eyes, compared to some of our Extraterrestrial Cousins. Like the Sirian's and the Arcturian's, who are known for having very large eyes. Information that is taken from Extraterrestrial Data Bases. A Stars size seem to dictate to it's luminosity. But here's a hint; The less density a Star has, the more luminosity it has. Simply because less gravity within the Stars Core is pulling it's Photons back. So the less density a Star has, the larger it will expand outwards. Super Red Giant Stars like Betelgeuse are very luminous.

So Stars like the super dense Neutron Stars are faint to semi-faint in luminosity. Stars like Sirius B are very dense and faint. Basically Neutron Stars, White Dwarf Stars, Red Dwarf Stars, Brown Dwarf Stars, and Black Dwarf Stars, have less luminosity. Our Star is in the middle. While Stars which are older than our Star, like Sirius A and Vega, are brighter. Giving the Sirian and Vegan Extraterrestrials very large eyes. Just like it has been reported throughout our recorded history. Arcturian's are also known for having very large, but slanted eyes. Maybe because the Star Acturus is a Red Giant Star, instead of a Medium Blue Star like Sirius A and Vega is? The Blue Stars are both brighter and hotter. So next I will explain Star surface temperature.

Blue Stars like Sirius A and Vega are very very hot. The size of a Star has nothing to do with how much surface heat it puts off. Super Red Giant Stars like Betelgeuse are cooler than our Sun. Our Sun is very cool compared to Sirius A and Vega. Blue Stars are hot, whilst Red Stars are cool. So Sirian and Vegan Extraterrestrials will have very dark skin because of it. Just like it has been reported in Extraterrestrial Data Bases. In fact the Sirian's are so dark skinned that they are so-called "Blue-Black". So the reports of the Sirian's being so-called fair-skinned Extraterrestrial's is simply a damn lie. So the Aryan's and the Peliadian's are naturally from Stars that have much less surface temperature than Sirius A and Vega. And so they have lighter skin.

Fair-skinned Extraterrestrials would originate from planets that orbit the cooler Red, Brown, White, and Black Stars. But some White Stars like Procyon are actually hotter than our Sun. Our Sun is one that gives-off enough surface temperature (which is about 6,000 degrees) to allow us to have Dark Complexion and Light Complexion Beings. Not just peoples but animals as well. So our Stars dictate to who we are. But we on Planet Earth are very unique indeed. Simply because we are from Sirian, Peliadian, Aryan, Nibiruan, and Arcturian D.N.A. as well. Giving us their complexions as well. Then through our genetics we have mixed all of those complexions. Giving us all of our so-called races upon this complexed Earth.

Next I will explain Star Density. Something that has nothing to do with Star luminosity or surface temperature. But has a lot to do with Star size though. Basically the smaller Stars are more dense than the larger ones. And Star density also relates to Star gravitational pull. So basically the smaller Stars have a greater gravitational pull. So Nemesis has a great gravitational pull than our Sun does. Sirius B also has a great gravitational pull than the larger Sirus A does, and often strips Sirius A of it's Star Materials. Nemesis does the same to our Sun, which could explain our Suns recent strange activity. Causing it to flair- out more. It will also possibly cause it to go nova as well.

Some researchers believe that it could. I for one had a futuristic vision of it beginning to suddenly go novae. Suddenly flareing-out and turning red. Like a Red Giant Sun, but of course much much smaller. I believe that Nemesis could cause such a violent action within our Sun. The Bible speaks of how it will strike the Sun. So will Nemesis actually collide with our Sun? Just as the Bible had said? We will see in the future. We will see in Nemesis, or Wormwood actually does this or not. But if and when it does, it will be too late for us all.
The SIRIAN'S and Earth Man:
The Sirian's were seen as the Creator God's of mankind after the demise of many of the earlier civilizations. The original Sirian's were known as the Anunnaki and the Nibiruan's, with 9 Ether hair. Which is black woolly Negroid type hair. The Anunnaki are also called the "Eloheem" in the Holy Earth Bible, meaning "These Beings". In the Earthly Arabic Language they were called "Jabaariyn", meaning "The Mighty Ones". In the Earthly Hebrew language they were called "Gibborim", meaning "The Mighty or Majestic Ones". In the Earthly Egyptian language they were called "Neteru". They are now called the Black Race of Sirian Extraterrestrials. The so-called Black Sirian Race was known as the Elder Spiritual Race or Caretaker Race of the Universe and Planets within the Milky Way Galaxy.

They were once the most enlightened Human Humanoid species of all the Star System in the Milky Way Galaxy. That is why that were called the so-called "Elder Human Race". Because they were there to help the many other younger Sibling Races to colonize other Star Systems and Planets. Later one of those Sibling Races got jealous (the Peliadian's) of the Sirian's. Then sat off on their own. Later the Sirian's gave rise to the Lemurian Civilization on Earth, around 900,000 B.C. Earth time. Then after that the Peliadian's gave rise to the Atlantean's around 400,000 B.C. Both civilizations then warred with each other on Earth. Wars which eventually destroyed their civilizations on Earth with Nuclear Weapons and Earthly catastrophes.

Before that (around 5,200,000 B.C. Earth time), the Sirian's D.N.A. manipulated Earthly Apes into Australopithecine's. Then Australopithecine's into Hominids at a later time.Then Hominids into Homo Sapiens even later. All of which were created in the Great African Rift Valley. Underground, underneath Mount Kilimanjaro. A place that was once called the "Garden of Eden". And said to have been created by the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki is an ancient Sumerian word which was given to the Beings who came down to Earth and pro-created Homo Sapiens (or "Bara"). Anunnaki translates as "Those who "Anu" sent from Heaven to Earth".

The Anunnaki were said to have came to Earth after being sent-out on a mission to find different minerals; Gold, Plutonium, Uranium, etc. It is said that they use the Gold to suspend it within their Planets (Nibiru) Atmosphere (in a oxygenated form), to keep their Planet lit at all times. That is now confirmed today. They mined several Planets in Earth's Solar Systems in those times. According to Ancient Earth Records 900 of the Anunnaki were involved in Gold mining operations then. 600 of them came to Earth in groups of 50,in small passenger crafts called "Sham". The other 300 were said to have manned the Planet/Craft "Murdoq" or Planet Nibiru, which is also called "Merkabah".

They were then said to have transported Gold and other precious resources back to their home Planet called "Rizq" in the 19th Galaxy called "Illyuwn". A Galaxy that many still cannot find today. Simply because it does not exist in our Third Dimension anymore. Illyuwn is a Galaxy that no longer exist today in our Third Dimension because it has completely dissipated-away to create all of our Local Galaxies which exist today. The remnants of it in our Third Dimension is "The Great Attractor". Which the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies are orbiting around today. Sirius-B is one of the Stars left over from that Ancient Galaxy. They came from that Galaxy many millions of years ago to give rise to the Earther's.

The Ancient Earthly Sumerian's allegedly had records of creation given to them by these Alien Beings, which spoke of the "Lulu Amelu" (early Homo Sapiens). According to the legend; To create Earthly Homo Sapiens "Enki" (one of the Anunnaki Elders) suggested that a "Being that already exists on Earth", Ape Woman (an Homo Erectus Female) be used to create the Lulu Amelu. By "binding" upon the less evolved Beings "the mold (D.N.A.) of the God's (themselves)". Then the Goddess Sud (another Anunnaki Elder) so-called purified the "essence" of a young Anunnaki Male, she mixed into the egg of the Ape Woman.

The fertilized egg was then implanted in the womb of a Anunnaki Female, for the required period of pregnancy. The "Primitive Mine Worker" called Homo Sapiens had come into being, and this all happened some around 300,000 years B.C. Earth time. Today their Sirian Extraterrestrial "Mitochondria D.N.A." and "Microsatellite D.N.A." is found within all of the Earther's. It ties them to an African Homo Sapiens Woman that lived around the time of 200,000 B.C. Earth time. The Anunnaki gave the Ancient Sumerian's the history of their (our) own creation. Just as God gave it to Moses. But these two stories are one of the same, as also explained in the Bible:

Genesis 1.26, 27, 28 & 2.7
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

The first "Man" created, "Male and Female" are the "Lulu Amelu". Homo Sapiens. Who did multiply and spread throughout the Earth, which is also supported by fossil records. It took them over 200,000 years but they did finally subdue the Earth. Then the next Man he created was "Adam", the first Homo Sapien Sapien, who began around 100,000 years B.C.The God's were also said to have cloned the "Shaggies", which were also  known as the "Enkiduites". They are the "Big Foots" to us. After the failure of the previous Lulu Amelu and Shaggy Beings they spliced their own Genes to give rise to the "Adamites". !Us.Now before you get to far in your disbelief, listen to this;

"We have a Brain that we are not currently capable of fully utilizing yet. This is because we only utilize 2 of the 12 Strands of our D.N.A. If we only utilize 2 strands, then why can we not, and do not utilize the other 10? The answer is; either someone disconnected our other 10 strands, or we never evolved to utilize them all. Because the present body form we have was inherited from another race of peoples or Beings that did utilize their full Brain capacity and D.N.A. Strands. The Nibiruan's or Anunnaki. !Hmmm.

Some people call the other ten strands of D.N.A. "Junk D.N.A.", if it was junk, why is it connected within our cells? Our/the first strand of D.N.A. is our/the need to survive. This is the same basic need that other Animals posses also. This is the need for nourishment, the need for shelter, the need for protection, and other basic and necessary needs. Our/The second strand is our/the want for pleasure. This is not a need, it is our want/s. Sex and other "so-called" adrenaline rushes are of this nature. So the Anunnaki connected only these two strands, just for our survival and pleasure. Making us creatures of habit and limited capacity, that way they could manipulate us based on these things.

The vast majority (well over 98%) of Humans on Earth only operate within the two D.N.A. Strands. All they care about is survival and pleasure. The go to work, then enjoy myself type attitudes. They think that's all the life has to offer. But there are those who seek a higher understandings of the Cosmos around them. These peoples are probably tuning (or being tuned) into their third strand of D.N.A. They are the worlds Great Thinkers, Knowledge Givers, and the Discovers of Higher Levels of Intelligence. An intelligence that is hidden within our own Human Mind. Something we can only unlock when we meditate or dream. But that's another story. I'm getting off track, so let me get back to the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki suggested that a Being be created that would be the "Abd", meaning the "servants" of the Anunnaqi to work the mines for them. The other Anunnaqi agreed, and thus began Adam, "Adapa", or "Adapu". According to this ancient "Sumerian Seal" the making of the first human Adapu the first Homo Sapien Sapien was a design of the God's.Then the first Homo Sapien Sapien Woman "Eve" was created from his D.N.A. But according to the "Talmud" Adam had a wife named "Lilith". A name that means in the Babylonian language "Lilitu". A Female Demon. Believed to be an Alien from the stars.

Long after that the Annunaki, from the Planet Nibiru supposibally abandoned the Earth in the year 3760 B.C. (it was actually in 3756).  This marked the start of civilization without the God's constant and total control over Human's here on Earth. Hence why the Hebrews was said to declare this year the start of the world. The start of the Hebrew Calendar. It is not the date that others believe to be, the start of the world, through creation. It is the date Human's of Earth grew-up enough to fend for themselves, as so the Annunaki were no longer needed at that time.

Now it is also said that the Annunaki then returned to Earth in the year of 4 B.C., to inject one of their own into Earthly Human Civilization. To guide Earthly Human Civilization down the right path, since Earth Human's had strayed, since their previous departures. Just so that they would not destroy themselves like the previous civilizations of Atlantis, MU/Lemuria, and Hyperboria did. That someone they injected was "Jesus". The birth of Jesus is more evidence of Extraterrestrial influence. Because !Mary, the mother of Jesus, bore a child from God, without sexual intercourse. This was an obvious "Extraterrestrial Artificial Insemination".

I researched and found out that the Annunaki supposibally returned before the birth of Jesus also. In 1876 B.C. Exactly 1880 years in between the Birth of Jesus and their departure from Earth. So it would seem that they are on an 1880 year cycle, but some say the Annunaki God's can come to Earth anytime they wish to. I later found out that they did and it seemed that they were on a 188 year schedule, not an 1880 year schedule. Let me show you why.

Anu has visited the Earth many times before to inject more than just one famous and key person into our civilization. As I researched further I found out that Anu visited many civilizations. In the same manner and "Craft" every time. Anu travels in a very large Extraterrestrial Craft, that has been monitoring the affairs of Earth since it's existence.I, and others in the past have seen it. It is the same Craft that was sighted during the birth of Jesus, Abram, and others.

during the birth of Jesus around 4 B.C. This enormous Craft was also seen during the birth of Abram. During his birth in Ur, many wise men and so-called" magicians (Magi) beheld a large and brilliant Star, just as the did during Jesus' birth. They reportedly also saw the Star swallow-up four other Stars. This account suggested that the Large Star was a/the U.F.O. Mother Ship, and the four smaller/other Stars were other U.F.O. Crafts that were retrieved by it. This Craft was obviously the U.F.O. Mother Ship, it oversees the actions and events of people who are important to God.

According to the Clay Cuneiforms of Ancient Sumer there is a comet-like-planet called "NIBIRU" or "Marduk" that has played a vital role in reversals and cataclysms. It's said to be about three times larger than Earth and has a much greater gravitational pull also. It is also said to travel-around the Sun in a clockwise orbit every 3600 years, and it is the Tenth (some say twelfth) Planet within our Solar System. Legend also stated that Nibiru collided with a planet called "Maldek" (Phaeton) and destroyed it eons ago. This destroyed planet was supposedly in the position between Mars and Jupiter. Now you know where the mysterious and out of place Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter came from. Normally there should not be an Asteroid Belt within the orbits of planets. There should only be one beyond the planets. So explain this otherwise.

It makes one wonder if other ancient legends about Nibiru are true. Legends such as the one about how Planet Maldek was destroyed. It is said that it was destroyed through war also. War between good and evil Extraterrestrial Forces. It's said that God destroyed the evil ones because they rebelled against him. The evil ones were of a Reptilian variety. They were the inhabitancies of Planet Maldek and over 90% of them perished in the planets destruction, while the other 10% of them fled to Mars and Earth.

It's said that Nibiru is a Giant Battle Platform. A Giant Planetary Craft that's used to destroy other planets. Recently this year (being 2003) I found out the truth about Nibiru. I'm sorry but I can't release that information to you, but I do know that Nibiru was also responsible for many other cataclysms within our Solar Systems. Including the destruction of Hyperborea. It's also responsible for changing our Solar System from time to time. Causing moons and planets to change positions and orbits. Rearranging our local cosmos. Reeking havoc and just being a "Great King of Terror".

It's said that the Solar System was a far different place eons ago. Venus use to be a moon of Jupiter's. It very well could have been because Venus is only 12,102 KM in diameter, while Jupiter is 142,800 KM. Venus was said to have been released from Jupiter's orbit and moved into it's present position. Some researchers say that Nibiru struck Earth, others say that Venus struck Earth, and others say that Venus struck Mars. Mars definitely shows evidence of being struck by another astronomical body. Then Venus is totally out of place. It is also said that Earth and Mars were in lower orbits (closer towards the Sun).

If this is true then Mars use to be in our present orbit, and we were in Venus' orbit. It is a well known fact that Earth was a very hot and inhospitable place long long ago. Was it because it use to be in Venus' orbit? The Planet Venus has that condition today. Mars use to be in our present position and had surface life, atmosphere, and water. Was this because it was in our orbital position? I say yes to both of these questions. Then all of a sudden Mars' Atmosphere was stripped-away by an obvious cataclysm.

Earth's Moon and both of Mars' Moons were supposedly brought to them by Planet Nibiru. It is said that the Martian Moons are from the destroyed Planet Maldek, and Earth's Moon is the ejected Core from that destroyed planet. The Core flew towards Earth because Mars was not capable (large enough) to retain it as it's own Moon. It did not go towards Jupiter because Jupiter already had over sixteen moons, and had also experienced a recently weakened Gravitational Field that released the Venus Moon.

A planet must have a large enough Gravitational Field to retain a large Moon. Of course the larger the planet the larger the Moon it can retain. If for some reason that planet lost a certain degree of it's Gravitational Field the larger of it's Moons will be lost first. This is exactly what happened to Jupiter when it lost it's Venus Moon. Then since Mars and Earth were to weak and to small to retain Venus, it became a Planet of it's own. It was released between Earth's and Mercury's orbits. When it was released it forced Earth away into a higher (away from the Sun) orbit. Some legends say that it collided with Earth first, causing great destruction upon both planets, but not enough to destroy both planets. Then Mars was said to have been struck in the same manner.

Despite all of the legends, whatever is true about them or not. I believe that it's very very obvious that there was a planet where the Asteroid Belt (between Mars and Jupiter) exist. This is a fact, and anyone with any common sense can clearly see that. So there is a great deal of truth that there was a planet called Maldek that was in that position. Then there is the fact that the shifting of gravitational forces within our Solar System has caused many changes within it. During such changes planets have become moons and moons have become planets. Then the obviousness of "Bode's Law", which has identified a logical spacing sequence of planets from the Sun, and moons from the planets. So legends like Maldek and Nibiru have allowable space for them to exist in.

According to studied geological data; "Earth's orbital fluctuations as shown by variations in type and quantity of Earth's Strata’ and found a hidden common factor; 3600 years. In other words, the gravitational effects upon the Earth's spin and obliquity, some of which have puzzled astronomers in terms of the effects of the known planets, indicate that a hitherto unseen force is at play, whose harmonic resonance within the rocky stratification of the Earth matches an orbital period of about 3600 years."

I researched further and I found out that there are two Nibiru's. One is actually a "Brown Dwarf Star" that's capable of destroying other Planets. Which could mean that we have a Small Sister Star, and this is indeed a Binary Star Solar System. It's a Star that is known for capturing Moons and Comets also. Which is also called "Worm Wood" in the Bible.It's responsible for the destruction of various Earth Civilizations in the past.

The Brown Star was also called "Nemesis", or the "Dark Star". It is not actually the Planet Nibiru, it's Nibiru's Sun. So I guest you could call it Nibiru also. It orbits our Sun every 3600 years in a tug-a-war, as our larger Sun dictates to it. Swinging it around in a comet-like orbit. It is the Great King of Terror that was predicted by Nostradamus. Spoken of being a great terror because of the destruction it can, and has caused. It drags Comets and Moons along with it in it's orbit, many of which has struck the Earth before. Like the one that struck the Earth around 65 million years ago.

Just recently (from 1994 to 1997) three others were brought by Nemesis, the Brown Star,  the Dark Star, or Nibiru. What ever you wish to call it. Some researchers say that it brought "Comet Hail-Bopp" along with it in 1995. I also believe that it did bring Comet Hail-Bopp, Comet Hyakutake, and Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 along with it. Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 broke-up in Jupiter's orbit and struck the Planet in July of 1994. If Jupiter's gravity would not have caught the Comet it could have struck Earth by March of 1996. These Comets have come towards Earth before, and in 1600 B.C. Egyptian records had recorded their visits.

Comet Hyakutake obviously escaped Jupiter's gravity because it came close to Earth in March of 1996. It had a chance to strike the Earth also. Comet Hyakutake and Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 came from the same source. !The orbit of Nemesis. Then there was Comet Hale-Bopp that was seen just beyond Jupiter's orbit in July of 1995. It then escaped Jupiter's gravity and came close to Earth in March of 1997. All of these objects were in Nemesis' distant orbital boundaries. They were all brought towards Earth by Nemesis, then pulled-in by our Sun. If either one of them would have struck Earth, we wouldn't be around talking about it today.

Don't be surprised by this information, few people know what's actually going on in our cosmic neighborhood. We on this Earth are actually hanging-on by a thread. All it would take is one day, and we all can be gone in an instant. !Just like that. That's why it is so important to pray to God, because only he can save us from such destruction. You should not be surprised either by the forces of nature at work in our cosmos. It's all a natural part of life. But unfortunately for us we live in a Binary Star System.

In a Binary Star System the smaller Star orbits the larger one, and in this case our Sun is the larger of the two. Unfortunately for us it draws everything towards it, and we, are sometimes in the path. It don't help either when another Sun brings it's debris, so that our Sun can suck it in. This is why Nemesis is a terror. It's the one that came closer to Earth in 1999, as predicted by Nostradamus. The one that almost reversed Earth's course. The one that caused the record severe weather patterns in 1999. But it caused far more damage to Planet Earth in the past:

1,000,800 B.C. Hyperborean Civilization (White Island) was destroyed (sank) by a  geological cataclysm.
Note: I calculated this date according to ancient legends.
23,200 B.C. Most of Mu/Lemuria was destroyed (sank) by a geological cataclysm. 
16,000 B.C. The End of an Ice Era that caused Glaciers to melt, causing water levels around the world to rise, thus flooding most of the established civilizations at that time. Complexed civilizations such as Mu/Lemuria and Atlantis lost more lands. At the same time many lesser civilizations rose-up. 
Note: I calculated and matched-up this date according to geology and history.
12,400 B.C. A large parts of Atlantis was sunk after a geological cataclysm. 
8,800 B.C. The wide-spread extinction of animals. Many of which were Mastodons and Woolly Mammoths in North America. Also Atlantis' destruction (it's final sinking). 
Note: I calculated and matched-up this date according to history.
5,200 B.C.
The Flood of Noah, obviously a geological cataclysm that destroyed all known civilizations on Earth. 
1,600 B.C. The Hittites suddenly conquered Babylon, the fall of Babylon. The end of Egypt's 14th Dynasty, due to immigration and conquest by Hyksos. Egypt conquest of Syria later. The fall of the Minoan Civilization, suddenly invaded by the Mycenaean's, after "Thera". Mongolian's (so called Aryans) invaded and conquested the Indus Civilization (India). The Shang Dynasty suddenly defeats the Xia Dynasty in China. 

Note: These were the major civilizations of that time, isn't it a coincidence that they all had major wars and/or government changes at the same time also. I believe that they were all structure based civilizations that build many buildings, temples, and walls. A cataclysm could have suddenly brought all of these things down upon their civilization, thus allowing nonstructural based peoples to conquer them easily thereafter. A sudden stoppage of the Earth's rotation would have done just that. Many Volcanoes and Earthquakes were reported in this time also. Note: I calculated and matched-up these dates according to geology and history. Note that these were all Black Civilizations that fell.

Planet Nibiru has been visiting our Earth every 3600 years. But in it's 450,000 B.C. year visit, it was said that life on the planet faced slow extinction, as the Planet's Atmosphere was eroding. Deposed by "Anu", the ruler Alalu then escaped in a spaceship and founds refuge on Planet Earth. He then discovered that Planet Earth had Gold that could be used to protect Nibiru's failing Atmosphere. Then in 445,000 B.C. Anu's son Enki, the Anunnaki landed on Planet Earth, and established "Eridu". In the Persian Gulf. Then is 430,000 B.C. More Anunnaki arrive on Planet Earth from Planet Nibiru. Among them Enki's half-sister Ninhursag.

Then in 416,000 B.C. the Gold production faltered in the Middle East. It was then decided to obtain Gold from the Southern African Gold Mines. In 400,000 B.C. Seven functional settlements in Southern Mesopotamia were built. Sippar, Nippur, and Shuruppak. Then in 380,000 B.C Alalu's grandson Igigi attempts to seize mastery over the Earth. The War of the Olden God's begins. Where Sirian, Nibiruan, Peliadian, Aryan, Lyran, and some other Extraterrestrial's all battled each other for control of the Earth. Then in 300,000 B.C. the Niburian's Enki and Ninhursag create Primitive Homo Sapien Workers through genetic D.N.A. manipulation of Homo Erectus (or called Ape Woman).

The Homo Sapiens begins to multiply. Then around 240,000 B.C. the Aryan's attempted to best the Niburian's, by creating Homo Neanderthals from a Homo Sapien. Through the use of their D.N.A. Then in 100,000 B.C. the Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim) marry the Homo Sapien daughters of Earth Man. The first Adam is also brought to be by the Niburian's around this time. Then around 49,000 B.C. Enki and Ninhursag elevate the Earth Humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak. Also in Egypt as well in 48,000 B.C. Enlil then plotted the demise of all of Earth Mankind. Then in the 34,000 B.C. Planet Nibiru triggers immense flooding and Tidal Waves on Planet Earth. Sinking many of Mu's, Lemuria's, and Atlantis' lands. In 23,200 B.C. Planet Nibiru caused a global cataclysm upon Planet Earth that completely sank Mu.

Then in 12,400 B.C. it completely sinks all of Lemuria. Adam is placed on Earth after that. Then Enki reclaims the Nile valley. The Sinai peninsula is retained by the Anunnaki for a post-Diluvial spaceport also. A control center is established on Mount Moriah (the future Jerusalem). Then in 9780 B.C Ra or Marduk, Enki's firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and Seth. In 9330 B.C. Seth kills Osiris. In 8970 B.C. Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Defeating Seth. Seth then escapes to Asia, and seizes the Sinai Peninsula and Canaan. The Ancient Egyptian's also fight a successful war against Atlantis. Defeating them in a great battle. In 8788 B.C. Atlantis is sank by Planet Nibiru.

In 8670 B.C. rule over Egypt is transferred from the Ra/Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth. Then Heliopolis is built. Around 8500 B.C. the Anunnaki establish Jericho. In 7400 B.C. the Anunnaki grant Earth Mankind new advances. Then in 5200 B.C. Planet Nibiru causes yet another global cataclysm. Flooding the entire Earth. As the Anunnaki watch from Planet Nibiru. Then in 3800 B.C. Civilization begins in Sumer or Babylon, as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur. Anu comes to Earth, as Uruk (Erech). Then in 3760 B.C. Earth Mankind is granted Kingship on Earth. Kish is the first capital. The Hebrew Calendar begun at Nippur. The "Tower of Babel" incident then happened as Nimrod attempted to take over the known world. The Anunnaki then confuse Earth Mankind's languages.

Then between the years of 3300 to 3150 B.C. Narmer, the Scorpion King conquers all of Egypt. Establishing one mighty Kingdom. Then in 3100 B.C. the first Egyptian Pharaoh was in the Memphis Civilization. Also in 3100 B.C. Black Athena was established. In 2371 B.C. the Akkadian Empire was launched. Then in 2180 B.C. Egypt is divided.

I'll tell you this right now; That thing is no planet. It's a Death Star or Destroyer Craft. A Great King of Terror just as Nostradamus said it was. I tell you now that in the year 2012 the end of this "AGE" of Mankind is over. Earth will be damaged very severely by Nibiru. Once again. !Listen. Today people are to darn arrogant, and they think that they know everything. When in reality they know "nothing". They fail to, or refuse to listen to simple historical facts. Like Nibiru's prior passings. !Duh again. Our so-called scientist are the ones especially like this. While their so busy calculating some ridiculously worthless mathematical equation, the real truth passes them by. Their two mathematically smart for their own damn good, and it's doing us absolutely no good here.

Their two busy working on their blackboards and/or computers, attempting to be the next Albert Einstein. At the same time ignoring the obviousness of nature and the cosmos itself. Most of them are so pathetic, they still think that rocket power is the only way to navigate through Space. Warping Space is the only way to navigate through Space efficiently. I can tell you more about Space travel in a few paragraphs than they can tell you in a life time.

The gravitational pull of the Comet-like-Planet (or Craft) Nibiru could have been the deciding factor which caused the Earth's rotation to "Stop, then Reverse", many times in the past. It's really quite simple; If a larger magnet was to come closer to a smaller one, the smaller of the two would be effected the most. Earth is the smaller of the two, and the closer Nibiru comes to Earth during it's orbit, the more damage it does on Earth. If it was to come very close it could pull Earth into another rotation altogether.

The secret to all of this is the Earth's own Electromagnetic Field. If the field is strong, Nibiru's field cannot dominate/effect it as much as it would effect a weak field. It's nowa known fact that Earth's Electromagnetic Field gets weaker and weaker every year. Fortunately for us in the year of 1999 that field was just strong enough to maintain Earth's rotational integrity. Otherwise Nibiru's field would have reversed Earth's rotation then. Nibiru visited the Earth in the year 1999 A.D., but it did not cause any major cataclysms, due to it's orbit was to far away from Earth's orbit. !This time. Like the early Prophet Nostradamus predicted, a Great King of Terror did visit the Earth in the year 1999. This King of Terror was the Nibiru. Nostradamus seen the destruction that could have been caused if Nibiru was at a much closer orbit to Earth in the year 1999, and 7 months.

Nostradamus Century 10, Quatrain 72
In the year 1999 and seven months The Great King of Terror will come from the sky,

!See, I gave him the credit that he deserved for his research, clairvoyance, or theory. Now let's continue. Even though Nibiru's orbit was far it's Electromagnetic Field was still close enough to cause strange, violent, record weather patterns. The strange, violent, and record weather also brought a record for world-wide national disasters in the year of 1999. If you noticed them or not? Cyclones, Fires, Heavy Snow fall, Mudslides, Hurricanes, Drought, Avalanches, Earth Quakes, Floods, La Nina, and El Nino was all caused by Nibiru in 1999.

The other Nibiru as I understand is the Planet or Ship Nibiru. Which is represented by a "Winged Disk". Something the Ancient Sumerian's, Babylonian's, and Egyptian's documented time and time again. It obviously is a Planet or Ship that orbits the Brown Dwarf Star. A Planet that has been sighted and currently is labeled 2001 KX76 by the scientific community. Except there calling it an Asteroid. The biggest ever seen. Most of them are using the Asteroid labeling as a cover-up. Hiding the real Nibiru from the public. This is the Craft of Ship I was describing earlier. One almost three times the size of the Earth. !Incredible.

According to the Washington post, Astronomers have detected Planet Nibiru around a Star now just 15 light years from the Sun, the closest world ever found outside our Solar  System. They state that the Planet orbits a stellar weakling, dim, low-mass Star called Gliese 876 every 61 days. That's the Star Nibiru or Nemesis there talking about. And it's no so-called "stellar weakling" of a Star. It's a small powerhouse of a Star. It's a Small Brown Star, that evolving into a "Black Hole". So it's gravitational pull is immense. In fact it's probably the older of the two Stars (comparing our Sun and it). Because the smaller Dwarf Star is usually the older of the two. Simply because the end of the life of a Star usually involves dwarfism.

They then assumed that Planet Nibiru was a Jupiter-like Planet with no solid surface. Not particularly hospitable to life. They then estimated that the Planet's interior could be warm enough to harbor a key requirement of life liquid water in the form of a mist. How can they assume such things all based on the Outer Atmosphere? If we were looking at Planet Earth from a distance in Space, we to could have the same assumption. Which would be very wrong. How could we tell if Planet Earth had a surface or not, by looking at the Outer Atmosphere from Space?

Notice in the photograph is the Brown Dwarf Star (lower position), which is Gliese 876,and the Gaseous type Planet, which is Nibiru. With it's appearance it's no wonder why the Ancient Sumerian's, Babylonian's, and Egyptian's drew and called it the Winged Disk. Sometimes the very dark appearance of the Star (which is sometimes unseen) makes the Planet Nibiru appear to be traveling alone. But it is actually orbiting the Star.

This is exactly what the ancients saw thousands of years ago, as it got closer and closer. It came close enough for us the take such a picture of it, and I am sure it will get even closer. The two Nibiru's are indeed our Solar Systems Smaller Star, and one of it's Planets. Our Dark Star Sister Sun. The presence of a "Dark Star" should not be surprising because it is completely agreed, among NASA, scientists and other academia. That over 90% of the universe is composed of "dark matter or dark energy". In fact the vast majority of Solar Systems are also Binary Solar Systems, and some are Tri Solar Systems. Sirius has three Suns and it is now suspected that Earth Solar System does also.

In 1983 the newly launched Infrared Astronomical Satellite was alleged to have found the Planet also. Then an alleged Photo of Nibiru was taken by U.S. Government's SOHO satellite on 7 November, 1998. In 1999 I saw Nibiru ever night (cloud cover permitting) within an six month period. !You people need to look up and see what's going on in your skies, around your Earth, and within your Solar System. Now don't you ask why your governments didn't tell you about this. If you do you will show me just how naive you actually are. !They didn't want you to know about it, it's that damn simple. Why else do you think that they constantly hide the fact that Extraterrestrial life exists? Especially Black Extraterrestrials from Planet Nibiru. Which they are. !Black Aliens. And the Creators of the Earthly Black Race. !Us.

Galactic War in the past caused the destruction of many a Planet. Mars and Mercury. Maldek, Tiamat. Venus. Jupiter. Proserpine. Bila, Teka, and Merck. Janos. Norca. Koldas. Tau Centauria. Kingu (Earth's Moon) And many many others. !Destroyed meaning the Planetary Surface's are destroyed. And/or the Planetary Cores are damages. Which causes the Planets to no longer rotate. Destruction of which was caused via the Ancient Galactic Wars. Wars that were started by the Reptilian's. They who are a Species that were not from our 3rd Universe Creation Reality. Them being from the Astral 1st Universal Reality. Them being the First Beings in all of the Space-Time Reality, who were the Fallen Nephilim's then. They who had created the Draconian's in order to antagonize, test, and destroy the latter Humans who were created later in the 2nd and the 3rd Universal Realities. The Draconian Reptilian Agenda was, and is, to seek out the Human's for destruction or assimilation. And to also use their Blood and Hormones for sustenance.

Once the Draconian Reptilians were created in the Astral by the Nephilim (to whom they were assisted by the Sirians of Sirius A then, in the creation of the Draconian Reptilian Race). The Draconian's needed a Physical Home Planet Base from which to accomplish their task/s. For this, they were taken by the Nephilim to many different physical realities in which they could become the Dominant Species. The main one being Alpha Draconis in the Draco Star System/s. In order for the Draconian Reptilian's to function within Physical Realities, they needed Physical Genetics to do so. So then the Andromedian Transparent People had taken Genetics from the Etheric Physical Lyraens they had created in the 2nd Universe. These Genetics were then mixed with the Transparent Peoples own Collective Energy, thus manifesting 2nd and the 3rd Universal physically as the Draconian Reptilian's then. So the creation of the Draconian Reptilian Enemy was a joint effort by the Nephilim's, the Sirian's, and the Andromedian's. All of which are those who are from Heaven. And the Draconian's were purposely created as for a test, and for the destruction of Mammalian Human Kind.

Mentally, the Draconian's were programmed to conquer and absorb all of the other Races and Species that they encountered. Those that could not be absorbed were to be destroyed. The purpose of all of this is to determine the most perfect form in physical reality that can exist in any environment. The Draconian Reptilians are programmed to believe that they are the superior physical form. Scientifically speaking, because Reptilian D.N.A. does not change very much over eons of time. It basically remains the same. For them, this was their proof that they are already perfect, without any need to adapt further. While Mammalian Life on the other hand, evolves and changes form constantly to survive. To the Draconian Reptilian Mind, this denoted weakness and inferiority?

They the Draconian Reptilian's who are also androgynous, meaning Male and Female in one body. Some being more or less Male or Female though. For this reason, the Reptilian's believe themselves to be more God-like because of their androgyny. And they also felt that it their right to control and conquer all of Space and Time. Them attacking and/or destroying others and their worlds.It which had started the Galactic Wars then. Which the Nephilim's, the Sirian's, and the Andromedian's created them to do. It all being nothing more than a God Damn Game to the Higher Gods. War and destruction is.

Lets start this with "MY SIGHTING" here:

As I said in my year 2000 Web site called "Mother Ship"; I saw a small Moon Shaped Craft or Ship between the months of November 1999 to July 2000. On at least seven separate occasions. But it wasn't the Moon. It was smaller than the Moon and it was also a grayish metallic color. Besides that the object was within Earth's Upper Atmosphere, not outside of it. I then searched and found several other accounts of this strange object in early history. As I quote them here now:

"In 1105 on 16 February a strange star appeared. Then on the Eve of Cena Dominitwo Moons were seen in the sky before day. One to the east and the other to the west.In 1953 Earth Satellites and Radar was said to have shown large objects coming towards Earth from the direction of the Moon. These were said to be Gray Mother Ships. These were allegedly Time-traveling Spacecraft that were the same Craft seen near Venus in 1787, 1788, and 1789. In the year 1645 a Large Moon seen near Planet Venus, was seen coming and going four times from that direction. This was said to be a Mother ship from the Planet Sirius B. In November of 1844, the Large Craft was seen illuminating part of Planet Mars was an Orion Mother Ship. The same Craft illuminated Mercury in 1799.  The same Spherical Craft crossed the Sun on March 26, 1859."

But there is also evidence of the strange object here as well, as I quote one again now:
"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has several Geosynchronous Orbiting Environmental Satellites (GOES) in orbit watching the Earth's weather and environment. On November 21, 1999, at 14:45Z hours our satellites caught an amazing photo of a UFO at an estimated hundred miles above the Earth off the coast of the state of Washington. 

The University of Colorado also keeps these photos on file for reference. One of the satellites is designed to pick up water vapor or clouds from space. When Russel Kirchner caught sight of the UFO in the display he zoomed in and could see the steam coming off  a UFO. It was of the type identified as a large Mother Ship. The possibility of the object image being caused by a computer error was discussed and ruled out. Similar photos taken on June 8, 1995, over South America have also been widely distributed. Philip Imbrogno studied this case and NOAA explained the image was a "moon shadow UFO." 

This UFO was present for only a few minutes and is not seen in images taken prior or  afterwards. The UFO has structure, windows, and radiates heat in the infrared spectrum. Thanks to Russel Kirchner. ."

Or how about this report? As I quote once again:

July 28, 2003
"A report was made to Peter Davenport at the NUFORC in Seattle, Washington and then the sighting report was forwarded on to me here at HBCC UFO Research (Houston, British Columbia) for a follow-up investigation. What I did not realize at this time  was just how large this one case was going to be. From a handful of witnesses the case exploded into a major event where I currently have 157 eye witnesses to something  very mysterious. Two things happened in the early morning hours that Sunday, a large  moon sized object was seen by many area residents, and what followed left many folks  in communities such as Kamloops, Vernon, Kelowna, Kimberley, Cranbrook and as far  as Jaffray, British Columbia scratching their heads wondering what it was they saw."

Or how about this report? As I quote once again:
Occurred : 7/1/2001 02:45 (Entered as : 7/1/2001 02:45)
Reported: 7/4/2001 22:13
Posted: 3/11/2003
Location: San Pablo, CA
Shape: Circle
Duration: few seconds bright moon sized object appeared to be over hills in Marin county as seen from Contra Costa County, Ca

"I was setting at my computer at approximately 2:45 am. The only light on in the house was in the room I was in, a ceiling light. The window above my desk faces west and I often look up at the window. The view includes the hills in Marin County as seen from near San Pablo bay in Contra Costa County. I looked up and saw what appeared to be a golden harvest moon, it gave off enough light to see the hills below it. My impression was that it was the moon, but there was something off about it. I commented in an IM that there was either a beautiful full moon or a UFO outside of my window. It probably took me less than 30 seconds to type that and when I looked up again it was gone. I went outside and the sky was clear with stars clearly visible but I could not see the moon from my yard. The object was moon sized but it didn't have the "face" in the moon, was more yellow than golden and seemed sort of speckled. There are no street lights visible from my window and nothing in the house that could have been reflecting. I don't know what this was but it was very strange."

Here's more, as I quote them:
"In 1986 I went into the Army and I came back in 1988. When I came back I learnedthat my cousin had died. In the evening I was at his house and was sitting in the garden. From there I could see the Svenetis mountains. My mother called me and said to me, "Jano, look what kind of moon is that". Before that I was looking at the moon in the south but she was looking to the north. I see a round moon sized thing that was yellowish in color. Suddenly coming down from it appeared a little red ball.  It opened the way an umbrella opens. The colors were quickly changing from light green to yellow. The first one was just hanging there.  Next appeared a second one until there were five balls all with the same description.  After that everything just disappeared. 
Jano Zvania."
"11.02.96 BRISBANE (MANLY WEST), QLD  2330hrs  (NL)

The witness was in her bedroom when she observed a large white light/UFO with a blue light outlining the right side of the white light, the UFO passed over a telegraph pole, then over a large tree and it then appeared to be descending towards the ground (behind some houses). The UFO was described to be larger than the moon. UFOICQ"
!Damn if it isn't some kind of coincident that I saw it in November 1999 as well as they did. As it simply held it's orbit, whilst the Earth rotated away from the object in one hours time that day. Then on December 25th 1999 the object came much closer within the Earth Atmosphere. That's also quite a coincidence how it appeared on December 25th. But it wasn't a coincidence, just like my sighting of the thing happen on the same day that the NOAA Satellite recorded it. Now to why it was sighted on December 25th. It was because the object is a Sirian (Black Alien) Mother Ship. Just like the 1645 account of the object said.

If you were to go back even further into history, you would find that the object appeared many times before. One of those times was during the birth of Jesus. On December 25th 4 B.C. The birth of Abram was also accompanied by the same Moon Shaped U.F.O. Craft. During his birth in Ur of the Chaldees, he had a Star that was over him as well. In exactly the same manner as Jesus' did. These accounts suggested that the large Stars were U.F.O. Mother Ships. I theorize that they were Sirian Mother Ships. What were seeing is a U.F.O. Mother Ship invasion of our Earth today. As various types are coming here from multiple places. Readying themselves for the End-Time that's coming-up soon. I know this to be fact. As it was revealed to me in the past by "POWERS" higher than us.

e Moon:

Earth's Moon has not always been in Earth's orbit, or the gravitational pull of the Earth. It is a late visitor here. There are many origins to how it got here. No Planet is formed with an accompanying Moon within it's orbit already. Their Moons are later captured by them. The Moons themselves are debris from space and/or from collisions from other bodies. But I would like to add to that by saying that our Moon is not just debris from a collision that our Earth had with another Planetary Body. Our Moon is actually the "CORE" from a destroyed Planet called Maldek. A Planet I told about in part one of this series. As I said in part one of this series;
"Legend also stated that Nibiru collided with a Planet called "Maldek" (Phaeton) and destroyed it eons ago. This destroyed planet was supposedly in the position between Mars and Jupiter. Now you know where the mysterious and out of place Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter came from. Normally there should not be an Asteroid Belt within the orbits of planets. There should only be one beyond the planets. So explain this otherwise. It's said that the Solar System was a far different place eons ago. Venus use to be a moon of Jupiter's. It very well could have been because Venus is only 12,102 KM in diameter, while Jupiter is 142,800 KM. Venus was said to have been released from Jupiter's orbit and moved into it's present position.

Some researchers say that Nibiru struck Earth, others say that Venus struck Earth, and others say that Venus struck Mars. Mars definitely shows evidence of being struck by another astronomical body. Then Venus is totally out of place. It is also said that Earth and Mars were in lower orbits (closer towards the Sun). If this is true then Mars use to be in our present orbit, and we were in Venus' orbit. It is a well known fact that Earth was a very hot and inhospitable place long long ago. Was it because it use to be in Venus' orbit? The Planet Venus has that condition today. Mars use to be in our present position and had surface life, atmosphere, and water. 

Was this because it was in our orbital position? I say yes to both of these questions. Then all of a sudden Mars' Atmosphere was stripped-away by an obvious cataclysm. Earth's Moon and both of Mars' Moons were supposedly brought to them by Planet Nibiru. It is said that the Martian Moons are from the destroyed Planet Maldek, and Earth's Moon is the ejected Core from that destroyed planet. The Core flew towards Earth because Mars was not capable (large enough) to retain it as it's own Moon. It did not go towards Jupiter because Jupiter already had over sixteen moons, and had also experienced a recently weakened Gravitational Field that released the Venus Moon."

So if such a collision was with another Planetary Body, then it very well could have been with Planet Venus or the Moon (Maldek's Core) itself. It could have struck the Earth after the explosion of Planet Maldek? So it was Catastrophic Collision and Capture that brought our Moon here. Another fact that proves that it did not originate from debris from our Earth, or is part of our Earth, is that the fact that the age of the Moon's Soil is 9.2 billion years old. Far older than our Earth is itself, at 4.5 billion years old. Plus it also has compounds and chemicals that are not found on our Planet Earth. In fact, there are many chemicals and compounds that were discovered by the Apollo Moon Program that were withheld from the publics knowledge.

Some believe that the Moon is an Artificial Body. A Space Craft of sorts. They do because of how the Impact Craters upon the Moon's Surface defy all physics. Because the Impact Craters debts are too shallow for their diameter. Which proves a very hard body exists beneath the Moons Surface. Not allowing deeper Impact Craters. An example of a shallow, but very large Impact Crater would be the Crater "Gagarin". This particular Crater is 185 miles in diameter, but is only 4.5 to 5 miles deep. Based on the impact and size in diameter the Craters welt on the surface, the depth should be 4 to 6 times that deep. At at least 18 to 20 miles deep. In fact, all of the Craters on the Moon's Surface are the same. They are too shallow, and defy known science.

Mikhail Vessine and Alexandra Chterbakov explained in 1970, in the Komsomolskaya Pravda, that the low density of the Moon, suggests that it is an Artificial Satellite. For centuries strange lights coming from the Moon have mystified Earth Scientist. In April 1995 article, the former NASA Director of Communications, Maurice Chatelain revealed that the Apollo Moon Mission found "several mysterious geometric structures of unnatural origin" on the Moon. Donna Tietze, a former photo technician at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston Revealed during a 6th May 1995 radio interview on WOL-AM in Washington, DC, that the job of a co-worker in a restricted area was to airbrush-out U.F.O. evidence from photos taken by Astronauts.

So in conclusion many believe that the Craters have been artificially created. But I have another theory to why the Impact Craters are so shallow in depth. It is that the Moon is not a Artificially Created Orb or Craft. One with a very hard Metallic Hull or Shell that causes the shallow depths of the Impact Craters. My theory remains the same, and that is what I have already said above. Which is that the Moon is the ejected Core from the exploded Planet Maldek. And so if it was a Solid Nickle/Iron Core like Earth's is, then it would not be penetrated by Meteoric bombardments. And therefore the very shallow Impact Craters are created instead. But also it would explain why the Extraterrestrial's that exist there have Domed Cities, instead of living underground, like here on Planet Earth.

Some believe that the moon is really a Vast Artificial Orb that was created, originally to be the protector of the planet called Maldek. In former times, it was an Earth-like Planet that was nearly 29,000 miles (46,690 kilometers) in diameter. Which for over one million years, it served as the Dark Anchara Alliance's Headquarters. Galactic Federation Forces later destroyed this planet, in order to recognize the Solar System. Much later, forces loyal to Atlantis put the Moon in its present position in order to attack and destroy Lemuria.

Also according to the same Andromedan Extraterrestrial's, to who which were in contact with various Ancient Earth Civilizations. Who provided the Artificial Moon information above, our Moon has an Atmosphere that's comparable to many places of our Earth. And that within many of the Large Impact Craters, on the visible and the hidden side of the Moon, the Atmosphere is said to be denser than sea level on Earth. They also stated that our Moon has a small egress at its North Pole, and that the crust is thinly shelled in places. Being only twenty-one miles thick in some places, and thirty-five miles in others.

According to the Andromedan's, it is an Artificial Moon. According to the Andromedan's, our Moon originally came from a Star System in Ursa Minor, called "Chauta". Said to be one of four moons in a Solar System that had 21 total planets. Our Moon was said to have been brought from an orbit around the 17th planet there. Brought here, with others, during a war. It was said that our Moon's first location in orbit in our Solar System was around the Planet Maldek. It was also said that our Moon was only one of two Moons in orbit around Planet Maldek. The other was said to be "Phobos". Which is now orbiting Planet Mars.

Conservative Scientists have wondered why so many large Impact Craters seem so very shallow, despite their large size in diameter. The Andromedan's say it's because much of the surface was built on top of a Metallic Shell of a Circular Space Crest, or so-called War Carrier. As they have described it. The Andromedan's have said that many of the Craters on the far side were in fact Domed Cities at one time, and that they were destroyed during a war that dates back 113,000 years ago. Also there were Surface Bases, Small Lakes or Ponds that were scattered along the surface. The remains of these Domed Cities were allegedly discovered by Russian Astronauts and the NASA Apollo Astronauts. So it is said.

It said that the Humanoid Beings that were on the Moon then were known as the "Ari-ans (Aryans)", and that their Pleiadian cousins apparently were responsible for moving our Moon to an orbit around Planet Earth. Others believe that the Planet Maldek was also called "Lucifer" or "Phaeton", and when it blew up, some Luciferian's were space traveling at the time. They then landed near to their planet's ejected Core. A Core that's now our Moon. And that they landed on our Planet Earth. Then from there they went underneath the Earth's Surface, through the Poles. Once there they bred, and there is now the Aryan and Reptilian Races there. The very technologically advanced, but evil Aryan's and Reptilian's as well. And that this is the the source of evil on Planet Earth.



Earlier Proof that a Race of Extraterrestrials inhabit the Planet Mars in the past. Was the fact the first Earth Probes sent there. That were lost and/or destroyed for no apparent reason. Here is a list of them:
Mars 2-- Soviet Orbiter/Lander in 1971, crashed at 45 deg S, 302 deg W.
Mars 3-- Soviet Orbiter/Lander in 1971, instruments stopped working for unknown reasons.
Mars 5-- Soviet Orbiter in 1973, the Orbiter operated only a few days.
Phobos I & II-- Soviet missions in 1988, had mysterious telemetry then death.
Mars Observer-- NASA Orbiter in 1992, contact lost unknown reasons.
Mars 96-- Russian Orbiter in 1996, never left Earth orbit.
Pathfinder-- NASA Lander/Rover in 1996/7, the lander and rover operated until communication was lost for unknown reasons on 27 September 97. Prior to its failure it photographed a U.F.O. in the distance. Later the Image was cropped-out of the photo by N.A.S.A.
Deep Space 2-- NASA Penetrators in 1999,  the reason for the failure of the probes is not known.

Proof of Life on Mars has been well documented by none other than "N.A.S.A." via the various images here below. They of which are Ancient and Verified Martian Cities, Pyramids, Statues, and Faces. They of which are built in the exact same format as the Ancient African Pyramids and Ancient African Cities on Planet Earth were. I mean visa versa. !Why? Because Mars was a Black and Brown Sirian Colony long long ago. Billions of years ago. As I've said earlier. The Black Sirian's who are the same Alien Race who had built the Ancient Pyramids in Egypt. Built those on Mars. As shown here below in the N.A.S.A. Images from Mars. !Yes. These are all images from the Planet Mars. Which are Pyramids, Faces, and Other Ancient Martian Structures. As you can also notice the "GIANT" Egyptian Face that resembles the Egyptian King Amenophis III. That which was discovered in the Syrtis Major Region on Planet Mars. And all of these Martian Structures are the "Smoking-Guns", of the Black Sirian's being on Mars once.

These Ancient Martian Ruins of; Faces, Pyramids, Temples, and Statues. Are "ENORMOUS" in size. And this is the way the Ancient Black Sirian's left their mark in history, in the past. By leaving behind such Grand Monuments behind. Just like they left such upon the Planet Earth in Ancient Egypt. And this was absolute !proof that the Black Sirian's did indeed once occupy the Surface of the Planet Mars. As said by Ancient Earthly Legends. As the "GIANT" Carved Faces of Ancient Alien Negroes, and other Black Sirian Structures. Are evident today on Mars. And there's no denying it. !Legend is !true. As proof shows above. The many Ancient Structures and Ruins on the Planet Mars they left. That mimic those of Ruins found in Most Ancient Africa. Most Ancient Africa where the Black Sirian Aliens had descended-down onto the Planet Earth so many millions of years ago. Them then building the exact same Structures on the Planet Earth, as they did on Mars. After they had left the Martian Surface.

As N.A.S.A. had edited many of the Photos taken from the Planet Mars in the past. Them editing-out Buildings, Pyramids, and Other Evidence of an Ancient Civilization on Mars then. !But, the Original Photos had surfaced anyhow though. They which clearly showed the Evidence of an Ancient Civilization that once use to be on Mars then. As people who were involved in the Original Cover-up. Were the ones who had placed these Once Hidden Photographs on the Internet later. So that the truth could finally be shown. Against the further attempted cover-up actions of N.A.S.A. N.A.S.A. who had blurred and cropped-out the Evidence in such Photos.


In the past the "N.A.S.A." had described Venus based on their Spacecraft Mission findings, as; "An Earth Twin of a Planet. Them being similar in size, mass, composition, and distance from the Sun. But there the similarities end. Venus has no Ocean. Venus is covered by thick, Rapidly Spinning Clouds that trap surface heat. Creating a Scorched Greenhouse-like Planet, with temperatures hot enough to melt Lead. And pressure so intense that standing on Venus would feel like the pressure felt 900 meters deep in Earth's Oceans. These Clouds reflect sunlight in addition to trapping heat. Because Venus reflects so much sunlight, it is usually the brightest Planet in the sky. Sulfur Compounds, possibly attributable to volcanic activity, are abundant in Venus' Clouds. The corrosive chemistry and dense, moving Atmosphere cause significant surface weathering and erosion. Radar images of the Surface show wind streaks and sand dunes. More than 1,000 Volcanoes or Volcanic Centers larger than 20 kilometers in diameter dot the surface of Venus. Volcanic flows have produced long, sinuous channels extend for hundreds of kilometers."

This is the "LIE" they had spun to the world back in the past. Because the reality of that Planet was just the opposite. And the only truth they had stated then, was that Planet Venus is "An Earth Twin of a Planet." Their "LIE" was perpetrated. In order to cover-up the fact that Planet Venus indeed was or is very much like Planet Earth on the Surface. Them lying in order to keep us from landing upon the Planet. A Planet with Water, Vegetation, and Life others have stated. And the Golden-Brown to Tanish-Yellow So-called Carbon Dioxide Upper Atmosphere on Planet Venus. Was created by the Aliens who resided on Planet Venus. Aliens who are said to be from legend. Reptilian and Lyran (White Alien Race) in nature. They who created the Golden-Brown to Tanish-Yellow So-called Carbon Dioxide Upper Atmosphere on Planet Venus to hide the Lower Atmosphere from us. It today is now a proven fact that Planet Venus' Atmosphere had much more "Oxygen-Rich Breathable" Air.

The atmospheric pressure and temperature at about 50 km to 65 km above the surface of the Planet. Is nearly the same as that of the Planet Earth. Making its Atmosphere the most Earth-like in the Solar System. And that is proof in itself. So are the Earth-like Levels and Clouds. And it's also a fact that much of the Surface of Venus is covered by lava flows. But the thick blanket of Carbon Dioxide Gas in the Upper Atmosphere hides the surface from view. In the image on the right. Until it was mapped by Earth Space Crafts many years ago. Revealing the following Venusian Continents that were hidden underneath the Thick Brown Upper Atmosphere Clouds. In the image on the left here below.

It is now also a proven fact that Planet Venus was indeed a Beautiful Planet. Similar to Planet Earth once. It with seven parts of a World Ocean. All of which as you can see above. Magnificent Mountains, being very similar to Earth's Mountains. !But. On the Surface of the Planet. The "MASSIVE" Volcanoes have created a Very Very Hot Atmosphere over the past thousands of years though. Because it's nearly 800 degrees Fahrenheit on the surface of the Planet today. So we have been lead to believe. The Planets temperature that ws measured during the first successful N.A.S.A. Venus Mission Mariner 2 in 1962. The Russian (Venera, Sputnik, and Cosmos) and U.S. (Mariner) Venus Probes that began then in 1961. Most of which were failed missions then. After the Venus Aliens secretly kept these all but a few of these Earth Probes from probing their Planet then. Throwing them off course then. Jamming their signals. Etc... Sputnik 7, Venera 1, Mariner 1, Sputnik 19, Sputnik 20, Sputnik 21, Venera 1964A, Venera 1964B, Cosmos 27, Zond 1, Venera 2, Venera 3, Cosmos 167, Venera 5, Venera 7, Cosmos 359, and Cosmos 482. That were all failed Venus Missions then. That which made us well aware that there was indeed Intelligent Life on the Planet Venus then. They whom lived within the Hollow Venus there then, as now. Where the temperatures are cooler there of course.

The Surface of Planet Venus which had long since started to become an Uninhabited Land. So it was said in legend. After which the following events began. First, the Planet Venus "WAS NOT" created within our Solar System. It was a Planet that was created elsewhere. In the Sirius Solar System. Then it was brought here to our Solar System by the Draconian's. This which had occurred billions of years ago. Planet Venus was then "grabbed" by the Draconian's and then used as a Killer Comet. One the Draconian's had unleashed with our Sol System billions of years ago. In order to destroy Planet Mars then, and their Sirian Enemy who lived upon Planet Mars then.

The Draconian's had used the Planet Venus as a Comet Weapon in the past. As they had driven it from the Sirius Solar System. Then intended to use it to smash Planet Mars with. Planet Mars which was once an all Sirian Colony Planet. As the Black and Brown Sirian's once inhabited the Planet Mars in force then. As the Atmosphere of Planet Mars once supported Life just like the Planet Earth does now. The Atmosphere was very thick then. And the Sirian's once lived on the Surface of the Planet Mars then. The Draconian's then, as now. Were at war with the Sirian's. And they attempted to destroy the Syrian Colony on Planet Mars then. Driving the Venus Comet towards the Planet then. But Planet Jupiter's Very Very Powerful Gravitational Pull, altered the Venus Comets trajectory then. Causing it to move off-course. As it then flew towards Planet Maldek instead. Which was once a planet that use to orbit between Jupiter and Mars. The Venus Comet struck Planet Maldek then instead. Destroying it then. The Venus Comet then was then knocked towards Planet Mars after the collision with Planet Maldek. It then brushed Planet Mars enough to strip-away most of it's Heavy Atmosphere Layers then. Extincting Life on the Surface of the Planet Mars then. As the Sirian's on Mars relocated within the Hollows of the Planet.

All of this had created the Livable Atmosphere on the Planet Earth then. The Newly Formed Planet Earth then forced the Planet Mars into a further orbit from the Sun. And took it's place then. In seemly a Game of Cosmic Marbles. With the Venus Comet being the one Marble that struck and moved the others. Bouncing off one Marble, into another. The Venus Comet was the one Planetary Body then, that had speed and velocity on it's side then. As it then had enough force and velocity then, to barely grazed, but partially destroy Planet Maldek then. Then continue-on to devastate Planet Mars as well. Changing the Solar System forever then. After the Planet Earth was moved into Planet Mars' old orbit from the Sun, favorable conditions for Life begun upon Planet Earth's Surface (because of the New and Thicker Atmosphere then).

This begun around 3.9 billion years ago. So the Venus Comet was obviously driven into our Solar System just before that time. After that no Life on the Earth's Surface could exist prior to that. Because the Planet Earth had a Heavy Methane Atmosphere then. It was way to hot on the Planets Surface then, for any Life to thrive. But around 2.2 billion years ago Bacteria begun to flourish then. Then Life of the Surface of Planet Earth "exploded" after that. Around 550 million years ago. Then around that same time, the Draconian Reptilians began to inhabit the Planet Earth. And on Planet Venus as well. At that time the Planet Earth had no Moon yet. The Planet Mars had two Moons then. Phobos and Deimos. Which are merely Large Debris from the Planet Maldek destruction. What a fing mess back it was then. With the results on the Planet Venus and the Planet Mars being this here below:

As I said. The Aliens "DO NOT" live on the Surface of either of these Planets afterwards. They live within the Hollows of these 2 Planets instead. !Still to this day. The Sirian's (Black Alien Race) in Hollow Mars. And the Lyran-Pleiadian's (White Alien Race) in the Hollow Venus.

The Surface of Planet Venus had long since started to become an Uninhabited Land. After which the following events began. First, the Planet Venus "WAS NOT" created within our Solar System. It was a Planet that was created elsewhere. Then it was brought here to our Solar System by the Draconian's. Before that Planet Venus' Star had fizzed-out. Allowing Planet Venus then to drift-away from it's Home Solar System then. This which had occurred billions of years ago. Planet Venus was then "grabbed" by the Draconian's and then used as a Killer Comet. One the Draconian's had unleashed with our Sol System billions of years ago. In order to destroy Planet Mars then, and their Sirian Enemy who lived upon Planet Mars then. Prior to the Draconian's capturing the Planet Venus Comet. It which it had begun after it had escaped it's Home Solar System. Prior to that, all Life upon the Planet Venus had long since left the planet, or perished there then.

The Draconian's had used the Planet Venus as a Comet Weapon in the past. As they had driven it from another Solar System. Then intended to use it to smash Planet Mars with. Planet Mars which was once an all Sirian Colony Planet. As the Black and Brown Sirian's once inhabited the Planet Mars in force then. As the Atmosphere of Planet Mars once supported Life just like the Planet Earth does now. The Atmosphere was very thick then. And the Sirian's once lived on the Surface of the Planet Mars then. The Draconian's then, as now. Were at war with the Sirian's. And they attempted to destroy the Syrian Colony on Planet Mars then. Driving the Venus Comet towards the planet then. But Planet Jupiter's Very Very Powerful Gravitational Pull, altered the Venus Comets trajectory then. Causing it to move off-course. As it then flew towards Planet Tiamat instead. Which was once a planet that use to orbit between Jupiter and Mars. The Venus Comet struck Planet Tiamat, destroying a great portion of it then. Because it too was a Hollow Planet. The Venus Comet then was knocked towards Planet Mars after the collision with Planet Tiamat. It then brushed Planet Mars enough to strip-away most of it's Heavy Atmosphere Layers then. Extincting Life on the Surface of the Planet Mars then. As the Sirian's on Mars relocated within the Hollows of the Planet then.

All of this had created the Planet Earth then. The Newly Formed Planet Earth then forced the Planet Mars into a further orbit from the Sun. And took it's place then. In seemly a Game of Cosmic Marble. With the Venus Comet being the one Marble that struck and moved the others. Bouncing off one Marble, into another. The Venus Comet was the one Planetary Body then, that had speed and velocity on it's side then. As it then had enough force and velocity then, to barely graze, but partially destroy Planet Tiamat then. Then continue-on to devastate Planet Mars as well. Changing the Solar System forever then. After the Planet Earth was moved into Planet Mars' old orbit from the Sun, favorable conditions for Life begun upon Planet Earth's Surface (because of the New and Thicker Atmosphere then) then.

This begun around 3.9 billion years ago. So the Venus Comet was obviously driven into our Solar System just before that time. After that no Life on the Earth's Surface could exist. Because the Planet Earth had a Heavy Methane Atmosphere then. It was way to hot on the Planets Surface then, for any Life to thrive. But around 2.2 billion years ago Bacteria begun to flourish then. Then Life of the Surface of Planet Earth "exploded" after that. Around 550 million years ago. Then around that same time, the Draconian Reptilian's began to inhabit the Planet Earth. And on Planet Venus as well. At that time the Planet Earth had no Moon yet. The Planet Mars had two Moons then. Phobos and Deimos. Which are merely Large Debris from the Planet Tiamat destruction. What a mess it was back then.


Factual Planets we know of today. Manu of these below that were never known of until now. Which are the Tiny Planet Vulcan
(not shown below), the Tiny Chiron, and the "MASSIVE" Super Gas Giant Planet Proserpine (not shown below).

And I do mean "MASSIVE". Proserpine which could not be previously seen by our Earth and Space-Based Telescopes then because the Planet resides within the Kuiper Belt Region. It which is an obscured view Region of Space. The Kuiper Belt Objects are composed largely of Frozen Volatiles such as Methane, Ammonia and Water. "ICE". It's home to at least 4 Dwarf Planets though. Pluto, Charon, Haumea, and Makemake. And more than 70,000 Kuiper Belt Objects over 100 km in diameter are believed to reside there. So does the Massive Massive Gas Giant of a Planet Proserpine. It which cannot be see that far from the Planet Earth. Because it is "NOT" a Star, and is a Gas Giant Planet. One that obscured by Ice Asteroids and Frozen Volatiles. It a planet large enough to cause gravitation disturbences in Neptune and Uranus. As it does, and did in the past. Gravitation disturbences that were noticed by Earth Scientist in the past.

Tiny Tiny Planet Vulcan couldn't be properly identified because our Sun (Sol) had hidden it with one of it's Dark Sun Spots. As the Tiny Planet always appeared to be a Sun Spot then. And most of the time the Planet would be lost in the Sun's glare. The Tiny Planet Chiron was hidden behind the Giant Planet Saturn most of the time. When it was visible then, it was then classified as Asteroid and a Comet. And not a Planet. I was well aware that it was a Planet many years ago. Along with Vulcan and Proserpine. Through Ancient Legend and Ancient Writings I knew. But also through "ALIEN CONTACTS". !Yes. I had the opportunity to receive Alien Contact then. Through Mental Processes then. And through someone who was connected to Aliens then. As now.

Along with my Superior Mental Processes. My great scientific abilities gave me the ability then. As now. To contemplate things that no one else can. Such as the fact that our Sol System had 2. Not just 1. Brown Dwarf Stars. Nemesis, then Satan. !Satan the name I had given the Star Wormwood years ago. Nemesis which is basically a Stationary Type Star. It being 50,000 AU's or 4,650,000,000,000 miles from Sol. A long long ways, but it is still considered to be in our Solar System though. Because it's a Binary Solar System. Being actually 2 Solar Systems in 1. !No. 3 in 1. Because of the Satan Star. Which is also the Dark Star or Wormwood. It which Planet Nibiru orbits. Because the Planet Nibiru is also within our Solar System. !This the Most Important Solar System in the entire Universe. Followed by Sirius and Vega.

I now know that our Solar System has 21 Inhabitable Planets and 3 Suns. 21 Planets counting the Inhabitable Moons. Which are also Planets. Most of which are inhabited as Hollow of the Planets. The Planets; Triton and Neptune. There where the Great Amphibian Alien Races exist. !But.Them being the Nommos and the Cygnusian's. Who still live on Neptune and Triton today. Here now are the Planets and the Solar Systems of other Key Alien Races I'm aware of:
3rd-D Sirians - Planet Mars & Planet Khoom (Sirius A)
Nommos - Planet Nommos (Sirius B)
Daal-Fins -
(Sirius B)
Vegans - (Vega) & Planet Mu Vega (Wolf 424)
Ummite Vegans - Planet Ummo (Wolf 424)
Altair Vegans - (Altair)
Anunnaki - Planet Nibiru
Anunnaki - Rizqiyians - Planet Rizq
Katayy (Lyran-Vegans) - Katayy (Sirius A)
Vegan Centaurian's - Planet Menton (Alpha Centauri B)
Vegan Santinian's - Planet Metharia (Alpha Centauri A)
Pleiadian's - Planet Erra (Alcyon)
Centaurian's - Planet Menton (Alpha Centauri B)
Taygentean's - (Taygenta)
Tau Centian's - Planet Tau Centauria (Tau Ceti)
Hyadean's - (Hyades)
Procyon's - (Alpha Procyon)
Rigelian's - (Rigel)
Janosian's - (Janos)
Ummite Lyrans - Planet Ummo (Wolf 424)
Katayy (Lyran-Vegans) - Katayy (Sirius A)
Lyran-Rizqiyians - Planet Rizq
Ataien's - Epsilon Eridani (Planet Eridanius)

Arcturan's - Arcturas, Cassiopaean's - Cassiopeia, Solarian's - Planet Saturn, Korendian's - Planet Korendor,
Capellian's - Capella (Planet Caprna), Aenstrian's (Proxdmidian's) - Proxima Centaurus (Planet Aenstria),
Koldasian's, Kondrashkin's, Raelian's and Uranthan's
, Uranian's - Planet Triton.
Mars (Ares) Khoom (Main Planet Sirius A)
Earth (Urantia, Terra, Gaea) Aenstria (Main Planet Proxima Centaurus)
Jupiter (Zeus) Metharia (Main Planet Alpha Centaurus)
Nibiru (Marduk) Korendor (Planet around Korena Star in the Bootes)
Titan (Saturn's Moon) Ummo (Planet around Wolf 424)
Prosepine (Last Planet)  Caprna (Main Planet Capella) 
Europa (Jupiter's Moon) Mu Vega (Main Planet Wolf 424)
Callisto (Jupiter's Moon) Tau Centauria (Main Planet Tau Ceti) 
Triton (Neptune's Moon) Alpha Procyon (Main Planet Procyon)
Vulcan/Zoe (First Planet) Eridanius (Main Planet Epsilon Eridani) 
Ganymede (Jupiter's Moon) Nommos (Planet around Sirius B)
Chiron (near Planet Saturn) Taygenta (Planet around Taygenta)
Charon (Near Planet Pluto) Erra (Planet around Alcyon)
Phoebe (Saturn's Moon) Menton (Planet around Alpha Centauri B)
Titania (Uranus' Moon) Rizq (Planet in the Illyuwn Solar System)
Proteus (Neptune's Moon) Biaveh (Planet in the Taurus Star System)
Umbriel (Uranus' Moon) Serpo (Planet in Zeta Reticulum)
The creation of the Stars and the Planets within our Solar System is a very complexed one. But I have discovered the origin of the creation of our Solar System Planets. Some of which were not the Original Planets of our Solar System. They which were brought here by the Satan Star. Satan, Wormwood, the Dark Star. What ever you call it. It's a Rogue Star that captures Planets within it's powerful powerful gravitational pull. Then deposits them elsewhere. Like it did Planet Venus. It which had originated from the Sirius Solar System. It which is 9,190,000,000 years old. Venus' Surface is destroyed. Or it's still being destroyed as I speak. Via run-away volcanic activity. And it's Core barely rotates now. Here now is the creation origin of the Ancient Planet Venus and Kingu. Along with the origin of our Sun, Sirius C, Satan, Nemesis, and Planet Timat.

!Yes our Sun or Sol was once a Star in the Sirius Solar System. Until it escaped. And our Sol Solar System and the Sirius Solar System is forever connected through Gravitational Forces. And the Binary Star or Solar System Sirius is responsible for the perturbations within our Solar System. Including the dislodging of the Celestial Debris from the various Celestial Debris Fields around it. Namely the Oort Cloud and the Kelper Belt. Because electromagnetic stellar arcing that oscillates from the Weak Magnetic Amplitude Force (which is our Solar System). And the Strong Magnetic Amplitude Force (which is the Sirius Solar System) exists between the Sirius and our Solar System. As the gravitational arcing enters the plane of our Solar System's ecliptic at 19.5 degrees. It being called the 19.5 Degree Caniculan Effect. It which was named after Canis Major, which is the Star Sirius A. This is why all the planets in our Solar System are confined to an angle of perturbation held within the wedge of 19.5 degrees. And this is also why all the Powerful Storms on all the planets within our Solar System materialize at the 19.5 degree latitude.

Jupiter's Red Spot Storm. Neptune's Dark Spot. Along with all the Hurricanes that develop on our Planet Earth. But also the Sun or Sol's Spots. But so are all the violent Volcanoes on every planet. The 19.5 Degree Caniculan Effect is increasing radically in amplitude now. As the Sirius Solar System nears ever closer to our Solar System now. They began as one, and now they're moving back together now. Because the Sirius Solar System was the Mother Solar System in the 3rd Dimension. It which all of our Local Stars revolve around. To include our Binary Sister Star Alpha Centauri A.

Alpha Centauri which is slightly larger and more gravitationally powerful than our Sun is. But the two are the same type Stars. Some call them twins. So our Sun tugs against Alpha Centauri. As they swing around one another. It's now a know scientific fact that Proxima Centauri is indeed coming closer towards our Sun as well. If that is the case than our Sun and Alpha Centauri are coming closer to one another. Simply because Proxima Centauri is orbiting around Alphi Centauri. Proxima Centauri, or also called Alpha Centauri C, is strictly an outlying member of the Alpha Centauri System. Rather than an Independent Star. Proxima is a faint and inoffensive Red Dwarf Star. The relative motions of our Sun and Proxima, means that they are actually getting closer together at a rate of about 16,000 miles per second.

The Star Proxima Centauri, is roughly 4.2 light-years away from our Sun. Which is about the distance of 41,000,000,000,000 kilometers or 25,000,000,000,000 miles away from us. At that distance and speed, it would take the two Stars about 2968.7262 years to reach one another. Traveling at just 8,421,120,000 miles per year. But they will never reach one another. Simply because Alpha Centuri and our Sun will not orbit one another. They will swing each other around instead. Coming closer at times, but never orbiting one another. Both Stars are to comparative in size to dominate one another. But the Star Sirius A is large enough to dominate them both. And so it does.

So as they tug against each other, Sirius A has them both orbiting around it. It is now a fact that Alpha Centuri is getting closer to Sirius A as well. Sirius A though would be more attracted to the slightly larger Alpha Centauri A also. But would still be attracted to both Stars anyway. So both Stars would have the same orbital period around Sirius A. Sirius A has a strong gravitational pull, but Sirius B does also. Causing it to place great pressures upon the much larger Sirius A. Just like Nemesis does to our Sun, and Alpha Centauri B does to the larger Alpha Centauri A. Planet Earth receives all of this activity as well, but our Sun holds it within it's lower orbit easily. Other more distant Planets, such as Nibiru are allowed to orbit out further. But it is part of the "Satan" Star Solar System though.

Other Stars can easily be thrown into this complexed mix. Like; Ross 614, Procyon A and Procyon B, Luyten's Star, Kapteyn's, Epsilon Eridani, Wolf 359, Ross 128, L726-8 A and L726-8 B, G51-15, and others. All of which are orbiting Sirius A. Even more distant Stars from Sirius A, such as; Lalande 21385, Kruger A and Kruger B, Barnard's Star, Ross 154, 61 Cygni, and even Altair, can still be caught in Sirius A's gravitational pull. Sirius A is the most important and most historic, not to mention the most Mythological Star in all of Earth history. It is simply our Mother Star. So we receive Cosmic Rays from it, and also from Sirius B. Simply put "Energy". Being only 8.6 light years away from Sirius A and B, Planet Earth receives a great deal of Energy from them both. With the Star Sirius B being the Elder of the 2 stars.

Legend state how that particular Star was born in the "19th Galaxy called "Illyuwn". A Galaxy that many still cannot find today. Simply because it does not exist in our Dimension anymore. Because Illyuwn is a Galaxy that no longer exist today in our Dimension, because it has completely dissipated-away to create all of our Local Galaxies which exist today. The remnants of it in our Dimension is "The Great Attractor". Which the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies are orbiting around today. As well as all of these Small Dwarf Galaxies within our Local Galactic Group here below. But !no. That's what Scientist use to believe. The 19th Galaxy called Illyuwn is not the Great Attractor. The Great Attractor is nothing more than a Super Super Massive Black Hole. Whilst the 19 Galaxy is the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy. It which is 25,000 light years away from Sol. It which wasn't discovered to be a Separate Galaxy from the Milky Way Galaxy until year 2003. It is the 19 Galaxy. Where the Anunnaki Elohims or the Original Rizqiyians. Who are from Planet Rizq.




There is a Planet orbiting the Aldebaran Star. A Planet called Sumi-Er. The Aldebaran Star which is 65 Light Years away from Sol. The Aldebaran Star. It being "MASSIVE". Some 200 times larger than Sol. The Aldebaran Star  being only at 3,000 to 4,000 degrees on the surface though. And it's Solar Flares at 12,000 degrees. Because it's an Orange-Red Giant Star. Now there's a Small Black Unseen Star orbiting it. The Small Black Star which is unseen from Earth. It which is the "BLACK SUN" that was so highly spoken of by the Aldebaran Aliens. The Aldebaran Black Star or Sun is a Black Dwarf Star that had descended-down from a once White Dwarf Star or Sun. Many many billions of years ago. And the Aldebaran Aryan's claim to gain Energy from this Black Dwarf Star.

Aldebaran Aryan's believe in the "Black Sun" of course. And how it produces a Mystical Vril Energy. It being a source allegedly capable of so-called regenerating the Aryan Race. Some say it's mystical. And I see some scientific worthiness to this Black Sun. It and the Vril Energy being the same as the Sirian's "Golden Mean or Golden Spiral Energy". That of which is the Energy of the Blueprint of the very Universe it self. The Aldebaran Aryan's of course came to Planet Earth, and tutored the German Nazis then. Them later creating the Black Sun Society then. The Black Sun Society was later represented by the Nazi SS Symbolism. Simply because the Nazi SS actually stood for the Black Sun. But the Skull and Cross Bones is also associated with the Nazi SS Symbol. Which are both Ancient Symbols taken from the Ancient Aldebaran Aryan Alien's. So are the Black Uniforms the Nazis wore.

The Planet Pluto is a Floating Mass of PLUTONIUM in Space. And striking it to hard with a Powerful Nuclear-type Device. Will surely explode the Tiny Planet. And possibly destroy a Great Portion of the Solar System in such an explosion? Because the Planet Pluto is made of !Plutonium. It too being a Planet with Hollow Inners like most other Planets. Planet Pluto where Aryan's also live. There within Frozen Planet Pluto. The Planet Pluto that does rotate it's own Axis. Because it is an actual Planet it is. It which use to be the home of the God ANU when he was younger. At a time when the Planet Pluto was in the Sirian Star System. A time when the Planet rotated around the Star Sirius B. ANU's Grandfather and the brother of LUCIFER, the God LUNA.

He who had attempted to explode an entire Planet named Tiwawat. It which use to be the Larger Planet of Tiamat. He caused an explosion large enough to break most of it's Surface apart then. !That which had occurred many billions of years ago. Thus breaking away a Moon named Kingu from it then. Kingu which is our Moon today. He did so by using a bomb called Balus. It, which was made from Plutonium that came from his original Home Planet of Pluto. He placed the Mighty Bomb in a Space Craft called Shamballah. Then he had sent the Space Craft crashing into the Once Massive Planet Tiwawat. He had successfully blown-up a great deal of the Planet then. But he did not successfully blow the entire Planet though.

The 25th of March 1997 A.D. marked the "NEAR-DESTRUCTION" of the Planet Earth by the Giant Comet Hale Bopp (the Egyptian NHH-STAR). It which was a 25 Mile Diameter (78.53 miles circumference) Deuterium (Heavy Hydrogen) "BOMB" in Space then. It being a Giant Hydrogen Bomb in Space. And if it would had struck the Planet Earth then. We of course would not be here. And neither would the Planet Earth of course. A Giant Hydrogen Bomb that size would had "blown the entire Planet Earth-up" in a Great Great Explosion of Hydrogen then. The Comet Hale Bopp that was traveling 98,425 miles per hour then. By the time it reached 122,236,886 miles away from the Planet Earth. It which was at it's "BRIGHTEST" on the 22nd of March then, at that distance. That being it's "CLOSEST" to Planet Earth it had come then. Because it was headed directly towards the Planet Earth then. And "scheduled" to "HIT" the Planet Earth by the 25th of March 1997 then. It which was "speeding-up" rapidly then as it approached the Planet Earth then. It which had "speed-up" from an Outer-Space speed of 44,000 to the 98,425 miles per hour then by the 22nd of March. As the Planet Earth's "GRAVITY" began to "pull-it-into-itself". Speeding it up then. As it was going to "speed-up" even faster every day after. Until it "STRUCK" the Planet Earth at a much greater speed then. But it didn't though. And it was "pulled-away" from the Planet Earth on the 22nd of March by the "GODS". This being a time I was well aware of then. I myself who was told before this time. That the Planet Earth was about to be "DESTROYED" by "GOD". And then later by a Godly Prophet. That it would be "SAVED" at the last possible minute. That last possible minute being those few days then.

By Antonio Mark McCoy Sr.
They came to Planet Earth when the Giant Comet Hale-Bopp came. With it's closest approach to Planet Earth on the 22nd of March, 1997. At just 1.315 AU. That's super close in astronomical distance. Because 1 AU = 93 Million Miles = 150 Million Kilometers. It closest Sun approach was on the 1st of  April, 1997. Which was at 0.914 AU. Also note how it came in the first Zodiac Constellation of Aries as well. This is significant because Aries is the time of the "new birth". Or the time of "new beginnings" according to Satanist. And Satanist hold this new beginning to be sacred. Especially on the date of the 25th of March. So their Draconian Crafts probably came to Planet Earth on "that" date in 1997. In order to fulfill their Evil Satanic promise of rebirth. Meaning in this case, the re-birth of the Draconian Collective upon Planet Earth. As their Crafts were cloaked behind the Great Comet then. 

Many billions of years after Luna, during the Draconian Attack upon Lyra. The Draconian's had used a Very Powerful Device of sort, to destroyed 3 out of 14 planets in the Lyraen System then. The Planets Bila, Teka, and Merck were destroyed then, by "something". And over 50 million Lyran's were killed by it then. And it's said how they never knew what had hit them then. The remnants of the powerful powerful Draco "BLAST" on Lyra then, are still seen by today's Scientists. In the remnants waves that are still fanning-outward, and emanate from that part of this Galaxy. !Wow.

Marduk and the Anunnaki had destroyed Planet Maldek with Planet Nibiru much later. Planet Maldek which was prior created
as the results of the violent violent collision that Planet Tiamat was involved with Planet Venus 3,960,000,000 billion years ago. Planet Maldek being 1 of 2 of the planets that were created after the Larger Planet Tiamat was split into by the Venus Comet then. The Planet Earth or Gaea being the other of the 2.

Planet Maldek was destroyed around 919,588 B.C. Maldek was the 5th planet from our Sun prior to that. It existed for many billions of years. Its civilization was greater than that of ours then of course. And the Reptilian and Arian People on the Planet, had by that time. Gone through the evolutionary cycles of wars and strife. And had finally reached a state of spiritual awareness. So it's said. 2 principle cities upon its surface were Karna and Vadur. There with 3 billion inhabitants in all, in these 2 cities then. 

It came about, that the Peoples and Beings of Planet Maldek were exposed to the Radiation of Fissionable Products then. In which their Government's chanced to be exploring the possibilities of then. Here a great disaster took place then. A Missile containing "Calnutronite", their most terrifying force yet was developed. It was somehow tampered with and it exploded over the Suburban Areas of Karna then. The Radiation which was loosed into the Atmosphere of Maldek then. Seared the Minds of all the Peoples and the Beings everywhere upon its Surface then. Then a form of madness (radiation induced) infected all of these Peoples and Beings then. Karna then had accused Vadur of having intentionally caused this accident then. 

Then the Peoples and Beings inflamed as they already were. Declared that a retribution should be extracted from the Vadurian Continent then. Then envy and hatred, fanned by the Slow-falling Radioactive Dust. Brought about the loss of all reason in these Peoples and Beings then. And a war of Nuclear Weapons grew to great proportions then. With it all ending when Planet Nibiru finished the already devastated Planet Maldek off then. It which was "obliterated" by Particle Beams from Planet Nibiru. Leaving behind our Inner Asteroid Belt.





Antonio MARk (RAM) McCoy Sr.
