Information taken from The Ancient history of Mankind on Earth.
© Copyright 2003, Antonio Mark McCoy Sr.
The Black Californian's and their legendary Black Amazon Queen Calafia, arrived from MU also. The State of California is named after her. The Spaniard's that evaded America in the latter years told stories about her Amazonian Warrior Descendants. "These were the legendary Amazon Women". The Black Californian's fought until the late 1800's to maintain control of their ancestral lands. Jamassee descendants are scattered throughout Northern Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, while Kalifunami descendants are scattered throughout the West Indian Islands and Central America.

Early in the 1400's, a Spanish writer called Garcí Rodríguez Ordóñez de Montalvo published a book called "Las Sergas de Esplandián (The Exploits of Esplandián)". One of the characters in this book was Queen Calafía of California. Montalvo described the mythical Island of California as being inhabited solely by "Black Women who lived in the manner of Amazons". Montalvo's novel includes these words: "Know ye that on the right hand of the Indies there is an island called California, very near the Terrestrial Paradise and inhabited by Black Women without a single man among them and living in the manner of Amazons. They are robust of body, strong and passionate in heart, and of great valor."

Montalvo's novel was written before the Spanish exploration of the America's and the California Coast in the later 1500's. So he obviously got the story of California and the Amazons from earlier explorers. It is a proven fact that in 441 A.D. a Chinese Buddhist Missionary named Hui-Shen arrived by ship to the North American Continent. According to 7th century Chinese records of the Liang Dynasty (kept by historian; Li Yen) he had influenced the Native American Indians with; Chinese Religion, Astronomy, Astrology, and Art. His amazingly accurate description of the North American Continent is proof of his journey. Other evidence of Chinese arrivals at the North American continent were left off the coast of California in the form of Ship Anchor Stones.

Montalvo could have learned about California from Chinese records but it is more likely that he learned of the Continent of North America from Moorish exploration records. I say this because just prior to the Spanish exploration of the North American Continent the Black African (Muslim) Moors had ruled Spain for over 700 years. The African Moors sparked the European Renaissance! Ruling Spain, southern France, much of Scotland and North Africa during the Middle ages for 700 years, the Black African Moors gave Europe one of it's finest civilizations.

Just prior to their rulership of Spain their records state that they arrived on the North American Continent in 711 A.D. Then between 871 to 975 A.D. a Muslim historian and geographer named, Abul-Hassan Ali Ibn Al-Hussain Al-Masudi wrote in his book "Muruj adh-dhahab wa maadin aljawhar", that a Muslim navigator named, Khashkhash Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 889 A.D. He reached an unknown territory called; "Ard Majhoola" (America), which he also indicated on his maps.

There are historical records of other Muslim navigators that traveled to America:
              In 999 A.D. Ibn Farrukh
              From 1,286 to 1,307 A.D. Shaikh Zayn Eddine Ali Ben Fadhel Al-Mazandaranl
              From 1,285 to 1,312 A.D. sultan Abu Bakari I

In 1787 A.D. Boston, Medieval Kufic Script, Arabic Coins were found along side a road, these coins were from the time when the Moors claimed that they were in the America's. In 1,492 A.D., after Spain has gained her freedom from the Moors, Christopher Columbus (employed by Spain) was navigated to the America's by his African Moorish descended, flag-ship navigator, named; "Peoro Alonzo Nino". Apparently Peoro Alonzo Nino knew exactly where he was going because in the 8th century A.D. his ancestors (the Moors) came to the America's long before Columbus even existed. Columbus had two other captains of Black Moorish and Muslim descent with him during his first transatlantic voyage; "Martin Alonso Pinzon" was the captain of the PINTA, and his brother "Vicente Yanez Pinzon" was the captain of the NINA.

Later in 1524 Hernán Cortés, the conqueror of the Aztec empire, reported that he expected to find the island of Amazons along the northwest coast of Mexico, based on the prior journeys of the Moors. Cortes asked the King of Spain for permission to look for the island of "California," prior to his voyage. Cortes and other Spanish Conquerors brought a number of troops of mixed origin and African ancestry with them on their voyages. For the sole purpose of communication with the Amazons and other Black Peoples, whom they knew were already in North America. Many of these troops of mixed origin later stayed and settled in California. These Black Peoples were here in America long before the devilish Slave Trades begun in the later 1500's. They were Black Peoples that willingly entered into America. Not forcefully.

Cortes knew that Black Peoples were already in North America based on the records of the Black Moors that once ruled Spain. Many of those captured Moors were forced to surrender their secrets of the America's to the Spaniards, but what really tipped-off Cortes about the Black Peoples in America was the Journey of Columbus. Columbus first landed in the Caribbean Islands of Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic) and Cuba, upon his arrival he thought that he was being greeted by East Indians, because he was totally disorientated and thought that he was in India. So he called the Black Peoples of the Caribbean "Indians". As I have said in an earlier chapter.

Columbus landed on a Island in the Bahamas that was called; "Guanahani" by the natives, Guanahani is taken from the name Ghana, and is derived from "Mandinka" a modified Arabic word. Later Columbus re-named the island "San Salvador". Anthropologists have proven that Ghanaian's explored many parts of North America by way of the Mississippi river systems in the 8th century, but were they there earlier? They very well could have been from the first Homo Sapient Sapient migrations that came from out of Africa, around 100,000 B.C.

It is a known fact that the first (not all) Homo Sapient Sapiens migrated out of Africa around 100,000 B.C., and this is widely supported by scientist, archaeologist, and paleontologist alike. But before that there's evidence of Black Homo Sapiens that began to migrate from Africa and populate the entire Earth about 200,000 to 150,000 years ago, according to scientists, historian's and anthropologists. There's so much debate about who were the first peoples to migrate to America, or the first peoples in America. !Why? We all know that it's now a well known fact that Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapient Sapiens first originated from Africa and migrated around the world afterwards.

This is called the "Out of Africa Theory" (which is fact according to fossil records) and many whites do not want to support this theory because it points to a black origin for our Human Homo Species, and not a white origin. If this is true then their white superiority lie wouldn't work, because that would make all of us Homo Sapient Sapiens from the same black species, and not a separate white one. To support their white superiority lie they even hoaxed fossils claiming that they were the oldest found in the world. Of course they hoaxed these fossils in Europe, that way they could say that our human evolution began there and not in Africa. This famous hoax was called "The Piltdown Hoax".

The Piltdown Hoax comprised two sets of fossil forgeries claiming to have been unearthed between 1908-1915 by the amateur paleontologist Charles Dawson and his scientist companion Arthur Smith Woodward of the British Museum. The first set was alleged to have been found at Barkham Manor and the second set at Sheffield Park. Both sites being on the Piltdown Gravel Beds near Uckfield in Sussex, England. They basically took the fossils of an "African" Ape and manipulated it with that of a Hominid, claiming it to be some sort of missing-link between man and ape, and older than any of the Australopitheines that were found in Africa. The hoax was exposed in 1953 by J. S. Weiner, K. P. Oakley and W. LeGros Clark at the British Museum (Natural History), London and, based on carefully presented evidence, it was suggested that everything pointed to Dawson as the forger.

Then after this hoax was discovered the white paleontology and scientific world started to support the so-called "Multiregional Hypothesis" which theorizes that Homo Erectus did migrate out of Africa, populated other parts of the world (Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia), and from those locations Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapient Sapiens evolved. All the while claiming that Homo Erectus was more like an Ape and not an intelligent Hominid. In order to discredit Africa as being the birth place of human intelligence. Later Homo Erectus was proven to be an intelligent "Tool Maker" blowing that theory out of the water.

!Well I have a little bit more disappointment for those who support the Multiregional Hypothesis; it's still the Out of Africa Theory because Homo Erectus and the others before him (Homo Habilis and Australopitheines) definitely came from out of Africa (because they were only found in Africa). Furthermore Ethiopia has yielded the remains of the oldest known member of the Human Family Tree. An international team has unearthed the Fossilized Bones and Teeth of a Hominid that roamed Earth 5.2 to 5.8 million years ago. It wasn't found in Europe, nor was it found in Asia. I was found in Africa. Now debunk that! They are the ancestors of all Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapient Sapiens regardless where the evolved later, and because of that it will always be "The Out of Africa Theory".

According to some researchers the first Homo Sapient Sapient migrations from Africa were your first peoples in America. Other believe that Bone Shards and ash deposits found at Old Crow, America suggest that Homo Erectus may have inhabited America around 120,000 B.C. Then around 118,000 B.C. the northern region of the world entered into a long glaciations period which was called the "Wisconsin" in North America. Some researchers believe that any archaeological evidence of Homo Erectus man in America was destroyed by glaciations, and I tend to agree with them, and this could be the sole reason why we are not recovering all kinds of Homo Erectus Fossils here in North America.

According to a British Broad Cast (BBC) Documentary called "Ancient Voices", prehistoric skulls found in Brazil match those of the Black Aboriginal Peoples of Australia and Melanesia. Other evidence suggests that these were some of the first American's  and they were later massacred by invaders from Asia who crossed the land bridge much later. Stone tools and Charcoal from the site at Serra Da Capivara in Brazil show evidence of human habitation as far back 50,000 years ago. A famous Projectile-Point and early human remains were found is Lewisville, Texas that date to an estimated 38,000 years old. A child's skull was discovered near Taber, Alberta that carbon dates to 30,000 years B.C. At the Bluefish Caves in the Yukon evidence of human occupation including Mammoth and other bones undisturbed date back to 15,000 B.C.

Anthropologist believe that Burial Mounds may have existed as early as 3400 B.C. These are considered evidence of the Adena culture, located primarily in Ohio, but possible spreading of their cultural and religious influences could have reached as far east as the Chesapeake Bay. The Washitaw's built hundreds of the Earthen Pyramid Burial Mounds all over the southern and Midwestern parts of North America. Some, such as the Mound at Poverty Point in Louisiana, which was one of the most sacred sites of the Washitaw. Skeletons found in Washitaw grave sites from the pre-Columbian period show a tall people with African features. They were still in existence during the time of Lewis and Clark, but was later run-out or exterminated by the Mongolian Indian Tribes (like the Sioux) and the White European's. The European Explorers Lewis and Clark called them the black and brown, bushy-headed original inhabitants of North America.